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Sick and interview is tomorrow!

Guest briannaxyz

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Guest briannaxyz

Hi everyone,


I was wondering if I could get some advice. Unfortunately, I have come down with a fever of 103 and my interview at Western is tomorrow. Western does not allow you to reschedule your interview, so I'm wondering if I should mention to them tomorrow that I'm sick? On one hand, I don't want to make excuses, but on the other hand, I don't want them to be shocked if I get up to vomit halfway through or if I make some really painful faces. I would love to get some input on what I should do. Thank you very much,



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Guest Kirsteen

Hey there,


If I were you I think I'd mention it at the very beginning of the interview, but thereafter, proceed to give the interview your utmost and make no further mention of your illness. Also, take whatever meds you can that will bring your fever down without impeding your performance. You'd be suprised how well you might do. (A few years ago I was in a similar position and was interviewing for a job that I wanted dearly. I had a rubbish fever/flu and attended the interview with a good dose of Benadryl. I felt a bit out of it, but was hired nonetheless.) Good luck to you. :)




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Guest Jochi1543

Be nice and wear a mask to prevent the spread of your infection. It's respectful, and I bet it would win you brownie points with the interviewers by illustrating that you are considerate of others.

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Guest Kooman

Hi Brianna,


I know how you feel as I am going through the exact same thing right now !!!! Although my fever is only at 102, I was vomitting like crazy last night. I've been in bed pretty much the entire day today. So get as much rest as possible and hopefully everything will be ok by tommorrow.

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Guest quebecboy

If I were you, I wouldn't wear the mask. Just wash your hands (you can bring an alcohol based substance that disinfects your hands and smells good, use it before shaking hands) and explain your situation



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Guest FungManX

kristeen's advice is good, except for the benadryl!

don't take it!! it'll make you feel woozy.. from personal

experience I fell asleep at the wheel and woke up a few seconds later.. but that was enough to land myself in the middle of a major intersection

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Guest peachy

I would think it was weird if someone showed up with a mask on, personally... I hope you feel a little better tomorrow and your interview goes great!


edited to add: you might decline to shake hands and say then "I'm a little sick, I don't want to get you sick too!" instead, and that way you've explained right off that bat without being too awkward about it. :)

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Guest patentforamenovale

Hey, I third the idea of not wearing a mask.... using a hand sanitizer is the best way to go. Hopefully you will feel better in the morning, but go ahead and give it your best shot no matter how you're feeling! This will show the interviewers what a trooper you are....

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Guest Jochi1543

Haha, I wear a mask when I'm really sick, and I as far from OCD as it gets!:rollin Maybe it's just the time I spent in Japan - people wear masks when they are sick, and I thought it was the best thing ever. My boss has gotten me sick twice this semester (and I NEVER get sick), and I slipped some in her mailbox along with an anonymous note.8o

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Guest TimmyMax



Avoid Benadryl- it will make you drowsy. Although some might say that you can get around this by using a non-drowsy formula, don't bother- those don't work nearly as well.

Just do the best you can despite how @#%$ you might be feeling. Everyone will see that you are sick and not hold it against you!


Best of luck!


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Guest Kirsteen

Hey there,


Just to clarify, I used Benadryl to combat my interview flu a few years ago, which is why it was mentioned in the example above. However, I left the actual recommendation to take some cold medication prior to the interview puposely vague, i.e., not necessarily condoning Benadryl use. I'd recommend taking something to help your nose stop running or to avoid coughing fits during the interview, but also, something that will help you maintain clarity, which is not necessarily Benadryl (as also noted above).




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Guest Steve MD09

Antitussives are cough suppressors. Some of them (e.g. opioids) are quite potent, and may possibly make you drowsy or have other effects on your mental state.

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Guest marbledust

I don't use Benadryl due to an alergy, so I am not all that familiar with what is available over the counter. But doesn't it come in a "day-time" non-drowsy formula? Most of these medications do.


While wearing a mask might be the norm in Japan, I agree that you might raise a few eyebrows if you wore one lol. :lol

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Guest briannaxyz

Hi everyone,


Thanks so much for all of your advice. I decided against using a mask, but I did decline a handshake. However, my interviewers insisted, but at least it gave me a reason to slip in that I was sick. My fever went down a bit today, but I was still pretty out of it. I took Tylenol before I went in to help with the aches, but didn't need any cold medicine b/c I only had flu symptoms. I was able to pull it together for the interview and I gave it my all....but still was not as articulate as I could've been. However, considering how sick I was I was pleasantly surprised by the interview. Hopefully it will be enough! Good luck to all those who have interviews left!



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Guest Lurkergonepublic

I was sick too for my Manitoba interview this year. It was my last one, and I think my body had already given up holding off the bugs through shear force of will. It was like yours' - not bad. I was hopped up on cold medicine, told them I was sick, and they said, 'hey that's life.' It came with a cough though, and I did chug six or seven cups of water during the interview, which actually gave me more excuse to pause and think about an answer! :lol Plus I think I was sweating a lot, and I hope they chalked it up to being sick and not nerves... I made sure I always coughed into my left hand so I could still shake hands, but I'm not sure if they noticed that. Time will tell - hope yours went as well as you thought.

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