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Optional Question 6


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I'm not sure what to make of this... I considered speaking about gpa inconsistencies etc... in this extra essay, but I decided against doing that since queens won't be looking at your essays until after your interview, at which point they will have thrown out your marks and mcat score, so I figured highlighting these things after they've been ignored would actually hurt instead of help. (can you say run-on-sentence?? hahaha)

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I'm not sure what to make of this... I considered speaking about gpa inconsistencies etc... in this extra essay, but I decided against doing that since queens won't be looking at your essays until after your interview, at which point they will have thrown out your marks and mcat score, so I figured highlighting these things after they've been ignored would actually hurt instead of help. (can you say run-on-sentence?? hahaha)


Ohhh! Well, now that I know that, I'll definitely not use it to address weaknesses.:eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Would it be bad to put family/relationship issues here? I do think some things that happened in the last two years have affected my performance, but I don't know how believable it's going to sound.


Once you make it to the interview/essay stage at Queen's, your GPA and MCAT no longer matter. Therefore, it may not serve you well to point out difficulties in areas that are no longer relevant to your application.



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Another idea: I did my undergraduate degree in an area other than the biological sciences, so I used the space to explain how my educational background helped to prepare me for a career in medicine.


I think that was helpful since it sets me apart from other applicants, and also let me show my interest in/passion for medicine even though I didn't major in anatomy or cell biology or physiology.

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