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Q re: Rural Q!

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i was wondering if anyone out there had any insight on the U Manitoba rural question. On page 7 of their app they ask if you consider yourself rural and why/how. I said yes, 'cause i grew up in a city with a pop of less than 200000. but i'm not sure how i should answer this question for them and what to include.


should i just include the facts that i grew-up in a small city or should provide a personal touch by saying that i consider myself a 'small town' girl????


help, please and thanks.

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They sure left enough space to answer that question. What else could they really be looking for other than you grew up there? This could be a run around way of how Northern asks on the OMSAS application where they ask which communities you've lived in for 2 or more years and the size of population. Maybe you might have to justify yourself more explicitively if you grew up in a large city and spent considerable or little time in both an urban centre or rural.

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