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I have a question. When completing the secondaries, do the academic LORs all have to be professors? Or could one or two be your TA in the lab for that class? Just wondering bc in the future, if I get secondaries from US schools, I am not a science major and have only taken the pre-reqs, thus my classes were quite large and my professors don't know me very well, but some of my TA/GAs do know me and my work ethic...etc. If you know about this I'd appreciate the insight.


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Looks like I might not be able to finish some of the secondaries because I am running out of professors to ask to write 'science' letters of reference :( I'm quite frustrated right now bc I've asked a number of professors and each one of them said no bc I was only in their first year class and they don't know me outside the classroom. It seems ashame that I am not in science and just took the pre-reqs for medical school bc now I can't get references...blah. Well, just needed to vent...and now I feel a bit better!

PS. the prof didn't go for the GA writing the letter and him revising it...boo

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how do American students manage to do it? i thought their classes are just as big


well it is possible...UofT's classes are quite big as well and I managed to get quite a few references...but then again, I was in science courses. I dunno how I would've gotten non-science refs if they didnt consider my letter from a psych prof as non-sci!

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