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Help! Secondary Apps


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Hi everyone,


I am an Ontario resident and I submitted my primary application for AMCAS last week. I realize that its getting really late in the application process and was hoping to work on the actual essays for the next couple of weeks while my primary is being verified. I called the schools that I applied to and they said that although they can't give me the questions, I can ask other people that are currently applying to them and work on them. So, I was hoping/wishing for anyone to send me a personal message or list the secondary questions in this thread for the following schools that I plan to apply to. Any help would be really appreciated!


Illinois is my 1st choice of state as I have relatives there and plan to apply to all 7 schools:

Rosalind Franklin





Southern Illinois

University of Illinois (UIC)



Albany medical college

Albert Einstein College

Case Western


George Washington University school of medicine and health sciences


SUNY Buffalo

Wayne State


I look forward to hearing from anyone on this matter! If anyone knows a better way of getting these questions (other than waiting for AMCAS verification :P), I would really appreciate the feedback! Take care and good luck with your apps!

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Responding to the Twin Cities secondary:


1.Beyond what you have written in your AMCAS Personal Comments, discuss your early life experiences, family background and aspects of your home community that have led to your decision to become a physician. ( 250 words)


2. Describe a difficult life experience and how you dealt with it.

Limit responses to 250 words

3. Our medical school is committed to enrolling and graduating a diverse student body. The Admissions Committee considers the following: high academic potential, disadvantaged background, race and ethnicity, evidence of outstanding leadership, creativity, unique work or service experience, community involvement, non-traditional educational progression, and demonstrated commitment to working with diverse populations.


Please explain how you have demonstrated a commitment to diversity and/or working with diverse populations.

Limit responses to 250 words.

4. Briefly describe what you are currently doing. If you have already graduated, please indicate what you have been doing since graduation, and what your plans are for the coming year.

Limit responses to 200 words.

5. Should you not be accepted to medical school, the alternative career that you would pursue is:

Limit responses to 50 words


What other pertinent information would you like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee?

Limit responses to 150 words.

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