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what to do now..............

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Hi everyone,



Thanks for answering my previous question, really appreciate the info on this site. You guys are great. So I just needed some words of wisdom....Today just received my MCAT scores, was worst than I expected..and now I'm not sure what to expect from this admission process. I spent so much time and energy on it already.....So here goes


MCAT: 13 PS, 10 BS, 7 VR and S for WS...so in total 30S

Which puts me in the bottom quads. Whats worst is the 7 in VR (not sure what happened there)...


Any how as indicated previously, my stats were:


4 year degree at UofT (biochem) with a 3.79 GPA

Did research every year ( 2 NSERC and 2 department)

ample volunteer (hospital, amnesty international, sharelife, mentor .....etc...)

Submitted AMCAS primary in July, secondaries in August (all confirmed complete as of now)


I applied to many mid-low tier schools...ie.e Case western, Rosalind, Suny upstate.


So any one with any comments on how this process will turn out? Right now I'm torn by that 7 VR...practice test were all 9's and 10's...just not sure what happened that day. Thanks again everyone.

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You never know and you might get an interview invite. But I would also consider rewriting the MCAT. If you get an interview and you end up getting in, it's great! But if not at least you would have planned ahead to redo the test and apply again next year. Best of luck:D

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