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GPA calculation

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I am confused about the way uofa calculate cGPA by the previous threads. Does it really only include the best 6 course marks in each year? That would too good to be true though. Can anyone verify that?


It sounds like it would be too good to be true, but they truncate your GPA to one decimal place at TWO levels. Once after calculating a year's GPA, and then AGAIN after averaging each year's GPA. Anyway, it was the only way I could figure out how they calculated my GPA.

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Their website only says that full-time years are counted (no spring/summer and no PT courses, unless this includes pre-reqs, in which case these courses are counted for the pre-req GPA) and that if you've done 4 or more years of undergrad, they drop the lowest year, unless it's the only one you've done full-time (which is 3 full courses by their definition).

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Yes, full-time is considered to be 3 full-year courses, but it is not the year that they will keep. They require you to have one year of a full course load which entails 30 credits or 5 full-year courses. This year they will keep, and every other year that is full-time (read: 3 full-year courses) will also be added into your gpa calculation, unless you have 4 or more, in which case the lowest year is deleted.


heehee - full. FULL. Am I spelling this right? It looks funny.

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Yes, full-time is considered to be 3 full-year courses, but it is not the year that they will keep. They require you to have one year of a full course load which entails 30 credits or 5 full-year courses. This year they will keep, and every other year that is full-time (read: 3 full-year courses) will also be added into your gpa calculation, unless you have 4 or more, in which case the lowest year is deleted.


heehee - full. FULL. Am I spelling this right? It looks funny.


LOL, yeah, it's correct. It raises my GPA by 0.1....all of my years have been around B+/A-. I wish I had a D-A-A-A instead, that'd help me with these weighting schemes a whole lot more!:P

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So if I have been take 11-13 courses per each academic year (sept-april) for 4 years, they onlly count my best 6 courses from my best 3 years. Man...this is really way too good to be true. I guess all my marks would be either A+ or A then..the reason why my omsas gpa is ~3.7-8 is mainly because I got a C+/C almost every year except one that pulls down my overall GPA. This weighting system is way better than toronto (3.84) and Manitoba (4.3).


thanks for everyone who answered my question.



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I think you are a bit mixed up. They won't only count your 'best 6' courses from your 'best 3' years. They will drop your lowest year, IF you have 4 or more years of undergrad. Then they take the average of the other 3 years including ALL of your coursework, except Spring/Summer sessions. They don't only take your best 6 course marks if you have taken more than that, they will count everything you have taken in each of those years. So no, it's not too good to be true, as nothing ever is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a word from the wise, make sure you double check the mark with your calculations when the registrars mark shows up on your application page (can happen quite late in the game sometimes). They made a mistake with mine, and my GPA went up a couple decimal points after they fixed it, allowing me to get an interview etc. ALWAYS double check EVERYTHING!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Jochi,


I had talked to Marlene this summer and she said that this year they will not be truncating cGPA as they have in the past! I applied last year and certainly truncate the cGPA but not the pGPA.


That's also why they report the admissions statistics on their webpage for cGPA to one decimal place and the pGPA to two decimal places but that will be changing for this application cycle.



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Hey Jochi,


I had talked to Marlene this summer and she said that this year they will not be truncating cGPA as they have in the past! I applied last year and certainly truncate the cGPA but not the pGPA.


That's also why they report the admissions statistics on their webpage for cGPA to one decimal place and the pGPA to two decimal places but that will be changing for this application cycle.



Ahhh, I see! Well, truncating for my cumulative won't make much of a difference...but I'm sure glad they aren't truncating pre-req! 3.59 vs. 3.5 is a big difference!:eek:


I calculated things, and it looks like they just dropped my freshman year (my worst, at about 3.21) and that's it. They also didn't count any PT courses, which is where I had my D+ disaster - for the cumulative, that is, they did count them in the pre-req GPA.


Also, FYI...When I got my D+ in orgo I, I retook and got an A+; their webpage makes it look like they only take the new grade if your original grade was an F - or if you took a higher level class. So I thought I'd be stuck with a D+, but they replaced it with the A+, which makes a HUGE difference in my pre-req GPA. The only reason I can think of is that I took the 2 Orgo I classes at different unis; it was a 200-level at one (where I got the bad grade), and 300-level at the other (where I got the good grade). So maybe they replaced it because of the course level....but it seems weird, since it IS, technically, the same course...


Anyway, maybe this info will help someone?

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So, is the cGPA on our application..is that after dropping one year? I don't think they dropped my worst one year from the calculation of cGPA.


That's what it is for me. However, they only drop 1 year if you have completed 4 or more years of uni. So if you are applying in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year, that won't happen.

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The only reason I can think of is that I took the 2 Orgo I classes at different unis; it was a 200-level at one (where I got the bad grade), and 300-level at the other (where I got the good grade). So maybe they replaced it because of the course level....but it seems weird, since it IS, technically, the same course...


Anyway, maybe this info will help someone?


Actually, your D+ saved you. Alberta will only accept a C- transfer credit so ur D+ Orgo was deemed an incomplete requirement i.e. like you never took it. That's why only ur later A+ counts (sweet deal). If u'd gotten even a 60% (C-) the first time around, ur A+ woulda been thrown out:eek:

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Actually, your D+ saved you. Alberta will only accept a C- transfer credit so ur D+ Orgo was deemed an incomplete requirement i.e. like you never took it. That's why only ur later A+ counts (sweet deal). If u'd gotten even a 60% (C-) the first time around, ur A+ woulda been thrown out:eek:


Ohhh, I thought only Fs were insufficient. Phew! I'm glad I didn't convince him to raise it to a C-!:P:D

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