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Wayne State

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Do you want my secondary? Wayne State is almost as bad as the Carribs with a ridiculous tuition and rather large class sizes.


Just my $0.02. I'm still short $29.98 because I'm not sure why I sent my primary there.





I didn't think Wayne State was that bad, I thought the questionable reputation was mostly a function of location.

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Oh, BTW, Ken, if you don't intend on submitting the secondary, it'll be best to e-mail them and withdraw your app. This might make a difference in another OOS student getting a secondary invite soon. I myself didn't apply (not eligible due to not being a Canadian citizen), but I'm sure others would appreciate it.

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Wayne isn't that bad. At least they have their act together. This is my second time applying to Dalhousie and they seem like the most disorganized school ever. There's no mention of where to send your transcripts on their website, and there's this gem from their website:


"All supplementary forms must be typed. The supplementary form is in a pdf format and unfortunately you cannot type directly onto the form. This format will be changed for next years application cycle. However, for this year please use your copy and paste functions “creatively”. "


Wayne's class size is 290, increasing to 300 apparently. That's not THAT much bigger than Toronto's 230 or whatever it is. However, the increased class size might account for people who chose to defer acceptances last year. If you haven't heard, they over accepted 30 students last year and they were offering a year's tuition to students who deferred their admission for a year.

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Wayne's OOS tuition is ridiculous. But I guess that I would still go there if they interviewed me. I got the secondary, but my MCAT (10,10,10) is not going to cut it for them. For OOSer's (especially Canadians), I think they at least want a +34. They emphasize the MCAT a lot.

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Wayne State is not that bad...


lol - true. It's not exactly comparable to the caribbean schools! lol. From my research last year, it actually receives quite a lot of NIH funding in a few nice specialties - I know for sure that in 2005, they were ranked in the top 10 for NIH funding in Urology.


Urban healthcare and the underserved are both things that Wayne stresses if you're into this.


The class size, tuition (insane), and a curved grading system (no p/f here folks, you have to worry about marks and worse, it's all done in a relative scale) are definitely downers...

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Wayne's OOS tuition is ridiculous. But I guess that I would still go there if they interviewed me. I got the secondary, but my MCAT (10,10,10) is not going to cut it for them. For OOSer's (especially Canadians), I think they at least want a +34. They emphasize the MCAT a lot.


a LEAST 34? There is no way that's true, and if it is, I want to meet the guys with a 34 mcat that decided to go to wayne. Yale's average is 34ish for Pete's sakes. And wayne is known to be canadian friendly (we are OOS). Since the applicant mean mcat was around a 31, and the class has a mean mcat of <30 but >29, i think don't think you should dismiss your 30 right away. Yes mcat is emphasized, but that doesn't mean your gpa has no or even little value in the application process.


BTw, A previous poster talked about Wayne state, and how it is actually known to be a good clinical school. The wayne grad matched into his first choice at UT IM without having done an elective there, and happened to pull in residency interviews from all the top schools. Since he seemed pretty unhappy about how Wayne is bashed around in these forums, he might be happy to show you that its not such a bad school..i think the alias is bear1056



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I'm just really curious here, (and this isn't the "I'm just really curious here" where Im not actually curious but using it as a front to try to expose ignorance or refute an argument using a renovated socratic method) but

how exactly are you guys concluding whether or not wayne is a good school, not so bad school, etc? have you talked to students in the class, or know what different residency program directors across the continent think about wayne state as a clinical school? what about USMLE success and residency match list?

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I'm just really curious here, (and this isn't the "I'm just really curious here" where Im not actually curious but using it as a front to try to expose ignorance or refute an argument using a renovated socratic method) but

how exactly are you guys concluding whether or not wayne is a good school, not so bad school, etc? have you talked to students in the class, or know what different residency program directors across the continent think about wayne state as a clinical school? what about USMLE success and residency match list?


So how do YOU conclude whether a school is a bad school/good school for you? Unless you're going to tell me every school is the same to you, then in that case I would think you're nuts, you do just the same thing as everyone else: consider the material and information available, decide whether that combination is a good "fit" with who you are, and then arrive at a conclusion.


Some obvious factors that would make a school less desirable for most people: inexplicably high tuition costs significantly above other medical schools, large class size, non-p/f evaluation.

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Some obvious factors that would make a school less desirable for most people: inexplicably high tuition costs significantly above other medical schools, large class size, non-p/f evaluation.....


.....Detroit...being unranked (i.e. below 60) in both primary care AND research...(most schools are good at SOMETHING).

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So how do YOU conclude whether a school is a bad school/good school for you? Unless you're going to tell me every school is the same to you, then in that case I would think you're nuts, you do just the same thing as everyone else: consider the material and information available, decide whether that combination is a good "fit" with who you are, and then arrive at a conclusion.


Some obvious factors that would make a school less desirable for most people: inexplicably high tuition costs significantly above other medical schools, large class size, non-p/f evaluation.


Haha calm down KT, I dont see how the whole me being nutz part is actually relevant to ur argument. I just said how are you guys evaluating it, and from which a$$ did you pull up the part where i said that every school is the same to me? Im just wondering what do you guys look at when evaluating a school.

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Haha calm down KT, I dont see how the whole me being nutz part is actually relevant to ur argument. I just said how are you guys evaluating it, and from which a$$ did you pull up the part where i said that every school is the same to me? Im just wondering what do you guys look at when evaluating a school.


Haha, sorry. Didn't mean to claim you were crazy :) Your previous post just seemed a bit confrontational. Anyways, when it comes down to it, a medical school is a medical school.

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Hey KT, no I know it seemed like it was confrontational. I didn't mean to at all, thats why i was saying that I was genuinely curious cuz I have no idea how to evaluate US med schools. I mean I am going to look at tuition, location etc but what about quality? I just didnt know how to go about evaluating it. The med schools site is always going to be appealing and trying to sell it to you, so It be nice to have a more objective evaluation

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Hey guys, apparently Wayne is trying to shake their reputation as a Canadian friendly school. Something on SDN about only accepting 5 Canadians???


Yeah I saw that, but it was someone hearing it from somoneone else. Would there be any point in e-mailing WSU admissions and asking them if they have set a quota on internationals?


I know the thread you read a41, and I think its insane! I mean 34+ for Canadians is kind of ridiculous, considering that a score likes that makes u competitive for a bunch a private schools much better than Wayne, at least strictly from an MCAT perspective. I guess it just sux to see the same mcat score make you competitive for a pool of schools that range from really good to (apparently according to this thread) not so good in quality.

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