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Order and classification of 48 items and Mac's 5 Qs

Guest Jake

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Sorry for bothering everyone with these questions but I am kinda unsure about some things:


In putting in the 48 items, must they be put in a particular order or arrangement. For example, should all volunteer stuff be put together? Or is it okay to put in a volunteer thing and then a school thing etc., etc.? Will the system organize them for you?


For the 5 questions for Mac, is it an accepted and known thing that one must make mention of activities (work, school, volunteer, ec) when writing the answers to these questions? I ask this because of the statement that verifers must be used when mentioning an activity in the answers. Personally, I never thought of using my answers as a way to talk about my activities but if they mention the rules regarding it it got me thinking that maybe we are supposed to?




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I'm pretty sure the system puts it in order for you. You could try putting a volunteer thing, then a school thing, then another volunteer thing and then checking if it grouped the two volunteer things together just to make sure. Don't forget you can always add/remove items.


As for the Mac questions, I found that for 2 or 3 of them I used examples that required verifiers, but for the other questions I didn't (like the knowing when you've learned enough question). I'm not sure whether that's a good or a bad thing though. Perhaps without concrete examples my answers are a little to abstract. hmm...

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Guest UofT Student

For your first question, yes, the system will automatically sort your activities for you. You can enter them in any order you like.

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Guest blinknoodle

The only thing that needs to be inputted in the proper order are your verifiers. If you want Jane Doe to be #1, submit her first. I couldn't figure out how to move them around afterwards last year.



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Thank-you for the quick replies! I have one more question for now: Under description, should I simply describe what I did or should I also make mention of where I did it. For instance, lets say I did microbiology research at Dr. Smith's clinic at Toronto General Hospital. Should I put down the details of my research omitting the place or should I also mention the place? I mean, if they don't care about the place where you did your activity (a particular hospital etc) then doesn't that leave things open to far-fetched and fraudulent apps?




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Guest UofT Student

Hey Jake,


What I did was as follows:


Under description, I either put my title, a description of the activity, or a combination of the two. I didn't include dates of participation, since that is taken care of with the drop-down boxes for months and years. I also didn't include location, since that is taken care of in the "Geographic Location" box.


Under geographic location, I put the physical location of the activity (e.g. in your case, TGH).

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