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Is Orgo II Required?


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I may drop Organic II and was wondering if Organic I + Biochem (both with labs) will suffice the one year organic chem requisite that most american med schools have? How do american med schools view having one semester with less than a full course-load (i.e. 4 courses as opposed to 5)?

If I do decide to re-take it in the summer after my 4th year, will med schools (the ones who require full year of organic chem) not accept my application considering that I would be applying before I actually have completed the

2nd half of the full year organic chem?

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If I do decide to re-take it in the summer after my 4th year, will med schools not accept my application (considering that I would be applying before I actually have completed the 2nd half of the full year organic chem)?


Most US schools begin in June/July. Unless you finish your course before that time, I don't think you can.

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