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personal information

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is alberta allowed to make it mandatory for you to input your SIN # and the number of other schools you've applied to? Or even the # of other languages you speak? I mean, this shouldn't be a factor in your application, it should be based on merit, not this other information.

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SIN serves as an identifier. I had to put it on my American apps, OMSAS, AAMC MCAT registration forms, and U of C application. Number of languages you speak, IMO, is definitely "merit" - it takes a lot more effort to learn a language than eat pizza at some useless pre-med club. The marital status is likely nothing but a statistic, so if you have a particular reason why this bugs you (not sure why it would), you could try contacting them about it and seeing whether you can bypass answering that question.


Trust me, these are NOT the bad parts of the AB app...it gets better once you get to the stupid "personal comments" section.:rolleyes: Gotta finish that tomorrow!

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