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Anyone from Quebec?

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Anyone here who did their prereqs in Quebec CEGEP?


I want to kill myself right now...

I went to a private CEGEP and didn't apply myself like I could. My university GPA is very good but my cegep marks could have been better.


Regardless, the CEGEP system works with R-score and since I went to a smaller more competitive school my R-score was quite good.


Now Albany is the only school so far to ask for a letter grade conversion for my classes..... So I call up the school to get a copy of the conversion and here's what they send me:


A 90-100 (excellent)

B 80-89 (Very Good)

C 70-79 (good)

D 60-69 (pass)

E below 60 (Failure)


I dont know about other schools but this scale seems ridiculously harsh. Now my 2 screw-up classes will end up showing up as D's!!!!!!!


Say goodbye to my chances at any school that asks for this scale.

I hate our province

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A 90-100 (excellent)

B 80-89 (Very Good)

C 70-79 (good)

D 60-69 (pass)

E below 60 (Failure)


I dont know about other schools but this scale seems ridiculously harsh. Now my 2 screw-up classes will end up showing up as D's!!!!!!!


Say goodbye to my chances at any school that asks for this scale.

I hate our province


That's equivalent to the US scale.

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  • 3 weeks later...

CEGEP Grades are NOT factored into your AMCAS


BUT there was one school which asked me to provide them with my transcripts and conversion scale.... presumably because they want to know how I did in my prereq classes.


I think its bulls**t b/c cegep is not like university, there is an R-score to make up for the grades depending which school you went to. I went to a private, highly competitive CEGEP where my number grades were not the best but my R-score was adjusted to the strength of my class and therefore was pretty damn good.

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