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When do you find out if you got an interview?

Guest vert

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to those of you who have applied in previous years.. when do you usually hear back from Canadian schools as to whether you have been given an interview or been rejected?


i'm assuming its not for a while... it would just be nice to have an idea lol


also, do you get mailed a letter? or do they contact you by e-mail as well?




-- vert

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Here are the dates (from last year) when I was notified if I got an interview:


Notice of Interview:

UBC - January 17

U of Alberta - February 20 (+/- 3 or 4 days)

U of T - March 2

U of Saskatchewan - March 6

Dalhousie - March 8

UWO - March 22

McGill - They had their head up their ass: didn't get a letter saying I didn't get an interview. Dumbasses.

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McGill sends out oop interview invites around the middle of January and if they are not going to interview you then they tell you nothing until rejections go out. I can imagine how much of a pain in the ass this is to a lot of people.


Manitoba sends their invitations around the middle of march if i'm not mistaken.

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Tode...how come you didn't apply to Manitoba last year? Just wondering since you pretty much covered the rest of them...


Hehehe... ya did pretty much applied everywhere. Well the reason for not applying to Manitoba was that they were too lazy to got their applications ready and online in November (when I was doing all my other applications). So when they finally got the stuff online in January, I was too lazy to do another application (and Winnipeg was the absolute LAST place I wanted to live out of all the other cities).


How are things looking this year Allsmiles?

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