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Im trying to guage NOSM for my situation. I have never lived in the north and do not have any ties there. I have lived in rural southern Ontario for 20 years in a community of less than 1000 people. Will I be eliminated because I don't live in the North, or will my rural experience be looked at? My GPA is 3.9, and my EC's are atleast average or above. Thanks, I know none of you can tell me they will or not, I just wanted some peoples perception of the school and possibilities. I hope to atleast be considered for an interview.


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Read previous posts on this....there are so many.


I would think with that GPA you would at least get an interview....they interview 400 people so its not that difficult. As far as getting in...well that's a whole different story.


U have lived in a rural community, good gpa, the ABS I can't comment on as I don't know.......With that GPA you are probably fine at a number of other medical schools in Ontario assuming you did well on your MCAT.

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Not giving it a try won't get you in either. Someone has to sit in those "not from northern Ont seats" and since you've most likely worked hard to get where you are it doesn't make sense not to apply. I grew up in a small S. Ont town (pop 11,000) from grade 8-13 and am now a NOSM student. Make sure you tell them everything you honestly can on your application that will portray a well-rounded person. They are looking for the complete package rather than one single admission stat.


Its very helpful to have someone read over your application as well (check spelling, grammar, and that concepts are being conveyed as you intended). Sometimes a non-biased reader is able to pick up fine details that you may have missed simply from having read it to yourself so many times.

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HappyEnough is right .... its true if you don't apply you won't ever get in. Give it a shot. They are looking for many many things and that is one reason I love this school. Maybe you are super competitive everywhere else and you might be the few that do get in.

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