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What time is your email from Dal showing? I haven't received anything yet...


My e-mail arrived at 1454hrs EST. I have the flu, and was lying on the couch resting when the e-mail arrived. I don't think jumping up that quickly was wise considering how sick I've been. However, I was too excited not to! Plus, the dizzyness did eventually pass... :)



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mine was also sent at 2:54pm. congrats to you too elaine! now to scrounge up the money to get there!


I checked yesterday. Flights are $315 including taxes and fees. However, I may fly on Air Miles. I just have to figure out when I'll be flying out and back. Have you thought about when you'll be heading to Halifax?



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congrats to those that got an invite!!!!


elaine - especially you!! this has been a longgg time coming...and im so glad that it's finally happening for you!!!!

I echo Madz! Congrats Elaine (and all other non-Maritime interviewees) :) Elaine - Sorry we didn't end up getting in touch with each other prior to the application deadline!

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The website they mentioned in the email has info on billeting, hotels, and such. The current students sound really helpful - they'll even try to match you with someone who can give you a ride from the airport. The URL in the email won't work because they added a www that shouldn't be there, but if you type in http://2012.medicine.dal.ca that'll get to it. Hope that helps! I'm a bit nervous about figuring out a flight - I've only flown once before, and that was in a big group, so I just followed people. :P

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The website they mentioned in the email has info on billeting, hotels, and such. The current students sound really helpful - they'll even try to match you with someone who can give you a ride from the airport. The URL in the email won't work because they added a www that shouldn't be there, but if you type in http://2012.medicine.dal.ca that'll get to it. Hope that helps! I'm a bit nervous about figuring out a flight - I've only flown once before, and that was in a big group, so I just followed people. :P


Thanks for the updated website Jewels!


Where are you flying from? When? I'm probably going to be flying WestJet from Toronto on Fri Feb 8 at 2:59pm, returning from Halifax on Sun Feb 10 at 6:45pm.



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:) Hey guys,


Accomodations are listed on the website, but many of the Med 1 and Med 2 students will be offering up couches, futons, spare beds, and even floors for those who would like to billet. I'm not sure when that information will be available, but it should be up soon.


Best of luck and it will be great meeting everyone during the interview weekend. :D





Dal Med 2010

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