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English Credit


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I know that a lot of american schools require 1 FCE to be taken in English.

So i was wondering if taking a english full course in the summer counts?


And also do american schools look at the GPA earned in the summer?


Yes you can do the credit in the summer - I did.

ALL post-secondary courses (includiing summer) are included in the GPA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do American med schools generally allow you to complete pre-requisites after you've graduated (e.g. If I graduate this May, but complete English in the summer following graduation?). Or should I take the safer route and complete it during my final term?

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i dont think they care as long as the credit is completed before med school starts. im not completely sure though. keep in mind that some (not sure if all) US med schools start in july - much earlier than canadian schools. at most universities, a full credit in english cannot be completed by july.

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