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Re: Transferring back into Canadian schools

Guest spyder133

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Guest spyder133



Does anyone know if its possible to start a medschool degree in another country and then transfer back home to Canada? I know it may be slim but I was just thinking about the possibility.

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Since it's damn near impossible to transfer to a Canadian med school from ANOTHER Canadian med school, I would say the chances of transferring from a foreign school are nil.


Though I think there are a few people who start at foreign schools, and apply to Canadian schools while they're there. Of course, I assume they have to start all over again if they're accepted.


I don't have any concrete info on this, so don't take my word for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ian Wong

I knew of two individuals who had been attending international med schools (one in Australia, and the other in Ireland), both of whom then applied to and were accepted at UBC, after their first year of med school abroad. Both had to restart from Med 1 at UBC (ie. they didn't get any credits for their prior studies.)


Since Canadian med schools are LCME-accredited, while no med schools outside of North America are LCME-accredited, I think it would be impossible to transfer from an international med school into a Canadian one. If you're truly interested in this, it might be worth confirming that by contacting each individual Canadian med school, but I doubt you'd hear good news.



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wow.. i have been wondering about this for awhile now.


Do you think the fact that they were already enrolled in another medical school helped or hindered their application? Given it would be unfair to the university they were enrolled in already to jump ship back to Canada, but at the same time if you are definitely going to move back to Canada for residency after school anyways, (as I would) then it is unfair to stay in the other university for too long.


Although they were accepted, so it seems it would help, but were they grilled about their decision to move back to Canada, or about the dilemma as described above?


nice to know that its possible at least!



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  • 1 month later...
Guest matsqui

I know someone who transferred to UBC from an Australian University in the 2nd year of medicine who did not have to start over.


But I think there was a connection involved, as I called the Dean at UBC to transfer from the very same Aussie med school the year previously and she told me it was "absolutely impossible".


Go figure...

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Guest thatuvicguy

There is someone in our med class at UBC who came from an Aussie med school - I'm not sure if this person is the same you are referring to but she/he is in first year.





EDIT - After seeing another of your posts, it sounds like this is a different person since you graduated some time ago.

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  • 5 months later...

I personally know of one guy who went to my school in St. George's University in the Caribbean who had competed two years down there and then was accepted back at the University of Calgary. However, he did have to restart at the beginning since there was no transfer of credits.

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