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My Chances.. Advice welcomed!


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I am a third year student at UWO planning to apply this summer to U.S. allopathic schools. I have a 34R and a 3.60 cumulative GPA (based on AMCAS conversion). Many of the schools I have browsed advertise between 3.5-3.7 average GPAs as being that of the previous matriculated classes. Do I stand a chance at any of the schools?? Which ones should I apply to? My assumption is Ivy League schools are out, but what about SUNY Upstate, Rosalind, Wayne State, etc etc. (the ones mentioned in the "U.S. Schools to Apply to Thread").



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Schools I want to apply to:


SUNY Upstate

Rosalind Franklin

University of Conneticut

Wayne State University

Indiana University

Keck School of Medicine

Yale University School of Medicine

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons



Case Western

University of Chicago: Pritzker

University of Texas

Boston University

Saint Louis University

Mayo Medical School

John Hopkins


Which ones are realistic for me, and which other ones should I consider?? Realllyyyy, interested in matriculating in a California school --- any suggestions??

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hmmm as far as i know, stay away from the "UC" schools (UCLA, UC Davis etc.). They are notoriously tough to get into even if you're an out-of-state american...even tougher for canadians. if you want to go to a california school, i say apply to a private school.


suny upstate, rosalind franklin, wayne state all sound like good choices. i'd recommend applying early..as i'm sure you've read in many threads already.

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Lots of top tier schools. Be prepared to justify why you should be accepted at places like Columbia P&S/Yale/JHop over the competition. These places I guarantee you will receive stacks and stacks of applications from people with 3.9/36+.

Mayo - I'm sure you're aware of the intensely small class size and the competition for those spots (because of very cheap tuition).

Texas schools are like Cali schools. Impossible to get into if you're not from Texas.

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Lots of top tier schools. Be prepared to justify why you should be accepted at places like Columbia P&S/Yale/JHop over the competition. These places I guarantee you will receive stacks and stacks of applications from people with 3.9/36+.

Mayo - I'm sure you're aware of the intensely small class size and the competition for those spots (because of very cheap tuition).

Texas schools are like Cali schools. Impossible to get into if you're not from Texas.


top tier schools - have EXCELLENT letters of recommendation. at these schools, everyone has the stats, well-written essays and loads of activities. letters of recommendation can tip the balance.


mayo - tiny, but worth a shot...


texas - i think baylor is quite congenial to non-texans, and is not impossible. i personally know a canadian who has received an acceptance from them. baylor is a gorgeous, gorgeous medical institution.

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hmmm as far as i know, stay away from the "UC" schools (UCLA, UC Davis etc.). They are notoriously tough to get into even if you're an out-of-state american...even tougher for canadians. if you want to go to a california school, i say apply to a private school.


suny upstate, rosalind franklin, wayne state all sound like good choices. i'd recommend applying early..as i'm sure you've read in many threads already.



Which private schools in Cali can I apply to? I am already thinking of applying to Keck, any other good and realistic ones?

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Which private schools in Cali can I apply to? I am already thinking of applying to Keck, any other good and realistic ones?


sorry, i dont know much about applying to cali schools - aside from dont bother with the "UC" schools. i didnt apply to any west coast schools so i cant offer any advice. have you taken a look at the MSAR? maybe go through that and see which cali schools your stats will be competitive at?

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I'll just post the MCAT, GPA medians from MSAR for the private Cali schools.


Keck: 33. 3.68

Loma Linda: 30. 3.78

Stanford: 35. 3.8


Rest are UC's (4 of them), combined International matric's: 0.


I wouldn't bother to apply to the UC's.

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  • 3 weeks later...
thanks for your replies guys!


any other suggestions?


when applying between June to mid-August is that only for Early Decision consideration or for Regular Admission as well?


it's for regular admissions. amcas primaries will probably open around may, earliest submission date in early june - get it submitted as soon as possible. then, secondaries will begin rolling in around mid-july/august/through september...and you will probably get most interview invitations in the fall. the earlier, the better.


also, this is not really in vogue at canadian med schools, but it works for US schools - write letters of interests to the schools that you are most interested in (ie letters that express your interest in the school). you can write these letters before an interview if you're on hold for an interview, and especially after an interview if you really want to go to that school.

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