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Using examples from one thing?

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If they ask you to give an example of something, i.e. Career Centre has these questions where they go, "Give me an example of a time you communicated effectively with someone."


And they give you a bunch of those. But what if say you're in this one club, and then you have really appropraite/good examples from a FEW of the same thing, i.e. Debate Club (as an example).


So what is more important--to give a better/more appropriate/relevant example OR try to give examples from DIFFERENT things? Of course, it's nice if you have relevant examples from different things, but is it particularly bad if they're from the same thing?

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I like to use the method that my husband taught me based on interviews he conducts at a corporate level: Context-Action-Result. If the interviewer asked me for AN example that showed effective communication, I would stick to one main example by first explaining the context, then describing specifically my action and then the result of my action (which would showcase how effective my communication skills were).

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I don't think it would be bad to have more than one example from the same activity, and certainly would suggest using the best examples you have. If I were your interviewer, I would just infer that this was an activity you were evidently quite involved in and gained a lot from. The rest of your application would reflect the diversity of your experiences.

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