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31 CRC - Straight to the point


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I'm going to make this post short. I really messed up my first semester and finished with a 31 CRC at Bois de Boulogne since I was amzingly lazy (missing classes, not taking notes, studying the day before,etc.) , which is horrible, I know.


Currently I'm doing a lot lot better and I am sure to raise my score.


My question is, what if I finish with something like 33 after my 3 semesters and send it to McGill. Will they even open my admission request? My main advantage is that I have an extra-loaded CV:


  • Worked as a webdesigner for 3 huge companies in Quebec at 17yrs old
  • Volunteering at Doctors without borders
  • Volunteering at CLSC
  • Volunteering at MUHC
  • Volunteering at Jewish General
  • Students' associaton administration member (Responsible of social issues)
  • Founder of a network of award-winning websites in the game market (300K visitors per month) - Brokered deals with major companies (Bell, Visa, Paramount,etc.)
  • Working in a restaurant since 2 years
  • Journalist for an online science and technology website
  • Creator of a succesfull Medical Job Search site
  • Award for hardest worker during the 5 years of education (High School Award - Regina Assumpta)
  • Participated to several science competition (Chemistry, Physics, Maths - Never won anything)
  • etc.etc.etc.


Now, my question is : Is that CV worth nothing if I finish with something like 33 CRC. Please be really honest.




Sorry to tell you this but the CV is not worth anything. It is really impressive but McGill only seriously looks at CVs after a CRC of 34.


I'm not even sure they read CVs if the CRC is under 34...


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I'm going to make this post short. I really messed up my first semester and finished with a 31 CRC at Bois de Boulogne since I was amzingly lazy (missing classes, not taking notes, studying the day before,etc.) , which is horrible, I know.


Currently I'm doing a lot lot better and I am sure to raise my score.


My question is, what if I finish with something like 33 after my 3 semesters and send it to McGill. Will they even open my admission request? My main advantage is that I have an extra-loaded CV:


  • Worked as a webdesigner for 3 huge companies in Quebec at 17yrs old
  • Volunteering at Doctors without borders
  • Volunteering at CLSC
  • Volunteering at MUHC
  • Volunteering at Jewish General
  • Students' associaton administration member (Responsible of social issues)
  • Founder of a network of award-winning websites in the game market (300K visitors per month) - Brokered deals with major companies (Bell, Visa, Paramount,etc.)
  • Working in a restaurant since 2 years
  • Journalist for an online science and technology website
  • Creator of a succesfull Medical Job Search site
  • Award for hardest worker during the 5 years of education (High School Award - Regina Assumpta)
  • Participated to several science competition (Chemistry, Physics, Maths - Never won anything)
  • etc.etc.etc.


Now, my question is : Is that CV worth nothing if I finish with something like 33 CRC. Please be really honest.



you have 31... and if.... if you dont get an interview, that CV is worth nothing. but with 33, forget it.

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I'm going to make this post short. I really messed up my first semester and finished with a 31 CRC at Bois de Boulogne since I was amzingly lazy (missing classes, not taking notes, studying the day before,etc.) , which is horrible, I know.


Currently I'm doing a lot lot better and I am sure to raise my score.


My question is, what if I finish with something like 33 after my 3 semesters and send it to McGill. Will they even open my admission request? My main advantage is that I have an extra-loaded CV:


  • Worked as a webdesigner for 3 huge companies in Quebec at 17yrs old
  • Volunteering at Doctors without borders
  • Volunteering at CLSC
  • Volunteering at MUHC
  • Volunteering at Jewish General
  • Students' associaton administration member (Responsible of social issues)
  • Founder of a network of award-winning websites in the game market (300K visitors per month) - Brokered deals with major companies (Bell, Visa, Paramount,etc.)
  • Working in a restaurant since 2 years
  • Journalist for an online science and technology website
  • Creator of a succesfull Medical Job Search site
  • Award for hardest worker during the 5 years of education (High School Award - Regina Assumpta)
  • Participated to several science competition (Chemistry, Physics, Maths - Never won anything)
  • etc.etc.etc.


Now, my question is : Is that CV worth nothing if I finish with something like 33 CRC. Please be really honest.





hey, there is no harm in applying either! You never know :)

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Hmm... another fellow webdesigner going for med. I'd never thought to see the day that would happen.


I know most people think that 34 is really the minimum to get an interview or even get in but I know for a fact that there are students right now in premed with R-scores lower than 34. So in my opinion, you should really go for it. First off, by applying, you'll be forced to go through the application process with all the references and essay writing (an important experience to have had if you consider applying after a Bac), secondly, the admission fee is only 60$ or so and unless you really need that money, it's not so much of a problem. Last but not least, McGill looks at grades but also focuses a lot on your letter + CV, I've personally asked the admissions at McGill as to whether or not they consider applications under 34 (33+) and they said they did. So there you have it. My suggestion is you work really hard to get those grades up as much as you can and then give it a try. Better to try and not succeed, than to do nothing at all... or so I say :P

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Its funny that you mention that they look at your application if you don't have a 34, because when my sister went to speak with Dansereau about her application, he said he couldn't say anything because they hadn't even looked at applications under 34. Hence the info that the admissions office gives isn't consistent

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So I'm pretty familiar with all the requirements from McGill concerning the Cegepial application. I am myself from Bois de Boulogne and was a premed...


Ok so.. 31 is not enough... 33... is saddly not enough either... BUT you never loose to apply, every year is different. HOWEVER, you have an amazing list of achievements and you should not get discouraged if you don't get in after cegep! You have a lot of chances to get in after an undergrad! Also, I know that Sherbrooke, UdeM and Laval are less strict about the 34 CRC... Don't get discouraged... you might get over the 34 limit before your last semester of Cegep... it's possible but you will have to work hardcore and get 37-38 CRC in winter and next fall (It's possible!). If you have more questions, you can contact me by Private Messaging

Good luck

Gab :)

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Its funny that you mention that they look at your application if you don't have a 34, because when my sister went to speak with Dansereau about her application, he said he couldn't say anything because they hadn't even looked at applications under 34. Hence the info that the admissions office gives isn't consistent


Depending on yearly demand, minimum overall r score required for entry may fluctuate up or down by as much as 2.0 points. As the competitive

minima may be higher or lower for September 2008, it is worth applying if your overall r score is within about 2.0 points of the values listed.


You can't base everything on what happened to your sister... I know somebody who had an rscore of 33.99 and who is in med right now, and I also know somebody who had an r-score of 34.5 and believe it or not but she didn't even get an interview at mcgill. This simply means that we can't really speculate exactly on how admissions works but it's definitely worth a try to apply if ur rscore is somewhere around 34 (especially if you have good extracurriculars)

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My question is, how do you know that you`ll end up with a 33? not 32.5, not 34? Honestly, though, if it is exactly 33, I don't see much chance----But you can work still harder to get a CRC of above 34, which will definitely reverse the whole situation.

Good luck :)

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Yah so do I Dany, but I'm guessing their letters were very poorly written/very few EC, or, their r-scores were boosted up because they were in IB (McGill only accepts a +0.5 boost to CRC), they did not have the required science r-score cut off...


It could be a whole slew of reasons, but it remains that if you have over 34, you should get an interview if everything else is alright.

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they were in IB (McGill only accepts a +0.5 boost to CRC)


Hmm... that is a perfect reason, but I really don't think McGill will give ANY bonus to IB student (IF NOT DRAWBACKS!!!)

I know that McGill med has a sort of resent towards IB:( , they really prefer people from "normal" programmes than IB, 'cuz IB is not really deemed as a "pure laine" quebec cegep programme, and you know, Med-P only likes the "purest" Cegepiens (tho they don't offically reject IB).


I strongly discourage any one hoping to study med at McGill go to IB. Trust me, first you can get way higher CRC (more than the legendary 0.5 that I really doubt), second, even you get the same CRC as an IB student, you'll have more chance, as you are considered more "NORMAL":o

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  • 8 months later...
Regardless of your CRC, I suggest you apply anyways. You have a strong CV and if you look at last year's stats... the lowest accepted was 32.1 (I believe). If you get an interview, I think you have a pretty good shot of getting in. Good luck!


Correction: the lowest interviewed 32.1. The lowest accepted 33.6.


But still, you should apply. You never know!

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