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Help with US schools

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Before I spend a few hours look through American medical school web sites I was hoping that someone out there may have some knowledge which can concentrate my search. I am looking for American schools which do not have prerequisites as far as undergraduate classes eg. organic chem and biochem. As well I am looking for schools in which 83-84% in last two years of study (with honours and thesis) is a realistic entrance grade.


Thanks for you time



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1) majority of US schools have preprequisites ...I don't know if there are any that dont have them.


2) US schools look at ALL post-secondary grades. They dont have weighting formulas or look at best/last 2 years. They will look at ALL your grades.


If I were you, I would try to get my hands on a copy of the MSAR (Medical School Admission Requirements). It's a book published by the AAMC and can be bought through the AAMC website ( http://www.aamc.org ) or from amazon. If you don't want to buy it, check out your school's academic advising/career centre or school/public libraries - they may carry a copy.


Hope this helps.

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