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Australia vs. Ireland

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Hi guys, I'm assuming that most people that have accepted offers from Ireland or Australia could have attend in either country. I was just wondering why a person would choose Ireland over Australia and vice versa? Here's what I have so far, and this is simply for people like myself to decide where to apply to.. I'm not trying to put either program down.




- Cheaper (though Sydney is getting there in terms of cost)

- Warmer

- Good Education

- Australia



- Far Away

- Far Away for interviews, home, etc. It's really far away




- Closer to home

- Good Education

- Possibly more well known among american/canadian residencies

- Can practice for at least one year once graduated to pay off debt

- Ireland



- Expensive, ie. even if I sold my organs I'd still be in serious debt

- Not exactly warm and sunny




I like Ireland, probably more than Oz, but I can't escape the thought that I probably can't afford to attend.

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I have thought about this comparision before too - From the general impression I get, though I havn't seen it said outright, it seems that people that go to an Irish school have a better chance of getting a residency or job later on in Canada. That is a good reason to choose Ireland over Australia - however I'm not too sure how true it is. I would like to hear more about this myself if anyone had some proof one way or another.

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Thanks for the post roger, I was actually looking into Wollongong earlier. The only problem I see with it is that the school is new and therefore not accredited in the US. Wouldn't that limit you to staying in Oz?

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Ah, I will have to like into Wollongong a bit more. After going to a huge school for undergrad, I like the idea of a small class size but was put off by its lack of accreditation. Do you know how much tuition is? I checked their website but wasn't able to find the medicine-international rate.

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