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Bioc 2300.03/biol 2010.03

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Has anybody taken this course before? It is called Introduction to Biochemistry and I am taking it because it is a pre-requisite for some schools I want to apply to. How did you guys do on it (would you mind telling me your cGPA-even a ballpark figure- before you took it)? How is the workload? PM me if you'd like. I'm sorry that I am making such a request but I have heard that this course may be really hard for non-biochem majors (I'm starting a bio major in September, second year student) and that the average was a C????

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Sorry about the codes. Here again is what I am taking in the winter semester:


CHEM 2402 (Organic chem)

BIOL 2020 (Cell biology)

BIOL 2004 (Diversity of micro-organisms)

ENGL 1010 (English)

BIOC 2300 (Intro to biochemistry)


I have thought about CHEM 2441, but the prospectus shows a problem:


CHEM 2441.03: Foundations of Organic and Biological Chemistry.


This class is intended primarily to help students in the life sciences develop an appreciation for the chemistry of molecules which are important to living organisms.


Emphasis (main body)........ Some medical schools require a full year of organic chemistry. CHEM 2441.03 does not satisfy this requirement. This can be met only by taking CHEM 2401.03 and CHEM 2402.03

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That's interesting. Back when it was still called Microbial diversity (I forget the course code but it was different) the milk project was very time consuming. I don't know if the project changed over the years, this would have been in 2001/2002, that project alone added hours per week in lab time. The class itself wasn't bad. I didn't find Genetics time consuming at all however. I've never taken organic chem or biochem but cell biology can be a busy one too.


It looks like a pretty full schedule to me, but if you're up to the challenge I'm sure its okay. You'll probably be studying/ doing school work a lot.

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