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Changes to canhelp

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Canadians who are currently attending medical school in the US and are taking CanHelp loans; this program is no longer available.


As I am one of those individuals who was relying on this loan, I was wondering if there are any alternative loans out there for canadians studying in the united states???



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you can still have the loan if you have a us or us perm. resident cosigner.


Try keybank: https://www.key.com/html/H-1.3.html


Access group also had a loan for international students, but it seems they have stopped it for the next few weeks. http://www.accessgroup.org/Student-Loans/find-a-loan/student-loan-finder.htm


Citibank also has one for int. students its also for a really low interest. But a cosigner is a must.




It looks the credit crunch is hurting everyone.


Also try going to your school's financial aid office, they might have some ideas.


Good luck!

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hey amu, i'm in the same situation as you are. I can't find a secondary line of credit/loans that will help fund my medical school (besides osap). It seems that you need a US citizen/permanent-resident cosigner for the private loans in the states. This is really unfortuante because I really don't have one.

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