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Hey y'all. Hope the wait game isn't torturing you too much!


I'm wondering if anyone has the answer to this. I recall hearing that Queen's wait-lists the majority of people who don't get an immediate acceptance on May 15th. Do you know if they indicate one's position on the wait-list and an idea of how much the wait-list moves? I'm waiting so patiently for May 15th - I just hope that if I am wait-listed I have enough info one way or the other to be able to make sense of everything. I think that just telling someone that you're on a wait-list without any other details is pretty pointless... you know what I mean? Any info would be helpful. Also, if you know the same thing about Western let me know too ... I'm kinda wondering the same thing for both schools.


Thanks. G'luck to those waiting :).

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Hey y'all. Hope the wait game isn't torturing you too much!


I'm wondering if anyone has the answer to this. I recall hearing that Queen's wait-lists the majority of people who don't get an immediate acceptance on May 15th. Do you know if they indicate one's position on the wait-list and an idea of how much the wait-list moves? I'm waiting so patiently for May 15th - I just hope that if I am wait-listed I have enough info one way or the other to be able to make sense of everything. I think that just telling someone that you're on a wait-list without any other details is pretty pointless... you know what I mean? Any info would be helpful. Also, if you know the same thing about Western let me know too ... I'm kinda wondering the same thing for both schools.


Thanks. G'luck to those waiting :).



Last year, a total of 99 offers were sent out after the initial 100 offers. Thus, a total of 199 offers for around 520 interviewed people. However there are a lot of people who remove themselves from the waitlist by accepting another offer. So even though 99 offers are sent out...we suspect that the waitlist goes farther down than the applicant ranked # 199. How deep - not too sure..but my guess is to ~ applicant ranked #230 - again that's just a wild guess.


They don't let you know what your position on the waitlist is, and what your chances are. No one is rejected - everyone is put on a waitlist. This may be a clue that the waitlist goes a lot deeper than we think - no point in giving anyone hope if there isn't a possibility of getting an acceptance.


Western is similar to queens. If I am not mistaken, the sent out 147 initial offers + additiona 65 offers from the waitlist. There is a movement that is "hidden" from the total offers sent due to the phenomenon I mentioned above. They won't let you know what your position is either, and I am not sure, but I believe that everyone is placed on the waitlist as well.


We're almost there...Good luck!

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In the past, some members of the admissions office were quite kind and would tell you if you were in the next 20 spots or so on the waitlist. The year I got in (off the waitlist), I was told I should hear good news in the next few days when I got up the courage to call in. I didn't bother calling in until about a month after the initial acceptances went out. At that point, the initial people accepted would have provided a response after a 2 week deadline, as would the first round of accepted waitlisters.


I'm not sure if they will do this anymore, considering they waitlist a larger number of people than the year I applied. Things may have changed in the past few years, and, as frustrating as it can be for waitlisters, I can understand them refusing to give out any information to prevent a flood of phone calls.

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So you're saying we may have up to 45% chance of getting in (whether through waitlist or initial offer)....that sounds nice....*wishful thinking*


Yeah it sounds good..but remember that a 45% chance is probably not going to happen - needless to day its a little more than just numbers.


Man this really kills.

Whats the timeline for the waitlist frm may 15 to onward?

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BTW, regarding what the time-line is like after May - so when I went for my interview at Queen's one of the med students was telling me how a student in her class didn't get her offer until a couple of weeks into SEPTEMBER - she had already started a job and everything. so it seems like they don't really have a time-line and that they'll keep accepting until their class is full.


however, i know this makes me sound like a wimp haha but i would rather be on a wait-list than be rejected... i think a rejection will really hurt my self-confidence esp. b/c everyyyyone is going to be like "so did you hear back?" it's a psychological thing for me anyway. i can tell myself that welllllllll at least i got on a wait-list!

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But if you're realistically not gonna get in that year, it's going to hurt you if you're planning to apply to other grad programs. For instance, I plan on applying to thesis-based research programs....and I can't sign contracts until late June/early July probably...which puts me at a great disadvantage as good supervisors got snatched by other applicants.


Like if there was A CHANCE, sure, I'll wait. But if I'm like waitlistee #495....I would rather be rejected.

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im with lostintime....i think they should tell u if ur on the top third...or at least, if ur in the bottom third....i know if i was number 400 i'd wanna be told so i can get on with my life and reapply or figure things out...this is borderline torture..quite inhumane!

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However there are a lot of people who remove themselves from the waitlist by accepting another offer. So even though 99 offers are sent out...we suspect that the waitlist goes farther down than the applicant ranked # 199. How deep - not too sure..but my guess is to ~ applicant ranked #230 - again that's just a wild guess.



Interesting. I wonder how many interviewees are waitlisted and then remove themselves from the waitlist before an offer can be made.


I can't imagine it would be too many, but that's definitely information they do not make available.

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Interesting. I wonder how many interviewees are waitlisted and then remove themselves from the waitlist before an offer can be made.


I can't imagine it would be too many, but that's definitely information they do not make available.



A lot more than we think. Come may 15 there will be quite a few that get into school x but are waitlisted at school y. They end up taking school Y and then remove themselves from the waitlist. Its a lot more frequent than we think.

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