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Email re: high school attended

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I don't understand because we already submitted the name of our attended high school with our OMSAS application.


You'd think if there were a problem they would've contacted us before the interview...


Gahhh.. whyyyyyy!! Just TELL US!!




And In Valid , did you receive the email as well?

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Yeah, I got one too. (I'm a swomen person).


Probably they just need our permission to contact the high schools to verify this information (which may explain why they needed the D.O.B. and year graduated and such).


ETA: still, I wonder why they are doing this so close to the 15th? Why not earlier I wonder?

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I have no idea whether its good or bad..


but I just had a thought: maybe its just certain high schools that are being difficult and refusing to release info to western without our permission? Ie. for those that don't get emailed, maybe its because your high schools had no trouble releasing a confirmation of your swomen (or otherwise?) status to western. I don't know, just guessing here.


I'm not sure how diligently they confirm swomen/ non-swomen before the interview stage. A friend of mine who now lives in quebec was originally not given an interview, and had to call up and explain that she was from a swomen high school (therefore meeting the mcat cutoffs)... and then was given an interview.

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I also received an email yesterday to clarify a point on my transcript ( i had advanced standing from highschool (not SWOMEN) which confused them a bit).


I'm guessing that such news can only mean good news. In that they are doing the last minute check and double check before they put our envelopes in the mail tomorrow :P :p at least thats what i'm praying for :D


think of it this way, if they were planning on rejecting us, they wouldn't put in the effort. :)

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Just a question, did you guys meet the MCAT cutoffs for everyone or just the SWOMEN ones? Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense to verify unless you get an advantage post-interview.

Today 02:49 PM


I met the non-swomen cutoffs (the cutoffs for everyone else) and I'm swomen. Maybe they just convert your mcat scores into your overall score differently if you're swomen (otherwise, it would seem that swomen people would be at a disadvantage post-interview).

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I met the non-swomen cutoffs (the cutoffs for everyone else) and I'm swomen. Maybe they just convert your mcat scores into your overall score differently if you're swomen (otherwise, it would seem that swomen people would be at a disadvantage post-interview).


Nah they seem to have a ballpark number of how many swomen members they seem to want in their class - so it may be that swomen are compared to swomen. I dug up some stats and a line saying that they did give swomen a post interview advantage and saw that wasnt working so they dropped the cutoff stats. Whether they kept the post interview advantage or not - no idea

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hi everybody


I just checked at admissions, because this last-minute email really concerned me.


apparently they sent an email to all SWOMEN applicants. this is relatively new, and is as a result of newish privacy laws requiring them to show proof to the high schools that they have our permission to release info. therefore according to the (very nice!) lady in admissions, it doesn't mean anything either way. no further speculation required.


hang in there! 41 hours left!

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Would I qualify in the SWOMEN pool if I did grades 9-11 at a SWOMEN high school?


You'd have to contact admissions to be sure, but on both the OMSAS application form, as well as the email they just sent us, the question specifically asked from which high school we had graduated.

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I know the issue of the high school email has kind of been laid to rest, but I just can't help but think it's bad news.

I don't get how they intended to contact all SWOMEN applicants' high schools in one single day, and the day before the invites go out, at that.


The last-minute nature of it is kind of odd, but I don't see how it could be bad. Maybe they've already contacted the high schools, and they just need proof for their "official records" that they didn't violate the privacy policy? Oh well, we will know soon enough. They did email me back today thanking me for my prompt response. All these emails make my stress level shoot through the roof each time I see them!

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