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Schools that take in one or two int.

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Well, for example,

according to the new edition of MSAR,

there were 198 international applicants out of which 1 matriculated for NYU.

It does seem a little competitive, but one person did get in...

I wonder if that person was a good match for the school

or maybe that person was a superstar.

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I don't think you should apply. Although there might be a couple more people getting accepted, I think it makes sense to guess that it's under 8. The acceptance rate is still too low in my opinion, so unless you have something up your sleeve, I wouldn't waste 100 dollars and all the effort for it.

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I agree with a41. Who knows how many international students were accepted? All you know is that one matriculated. If you can find the acceptance info, that would be of more help.


I would go by how many in state vs. out-of-state students are accepted as many schools consider Canadians in the out-of-state pool rather than the international pool.

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Yea, that's what I figured. I was hoping there would be somewhere where all schools would be conveniently listed.


Another quick question, where can you find acceptance rates for schools? The MSAR only has the # of the people that matriculate and not the # accepted.

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Yea, that's what I figured. I was hoping there would be somewhere where all schools would be conveniently listed.


Another quick question, where can you find acceptance rates for schools? The MSAR only has the # of the people that matriculate and not the # accepted.


we never did. We just assumed them to be the same thing - clearly they are not.

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