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How to time applications?

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I would like to apply to as many places as possible to keep my options open. That is, Canada, US, UK, Australia, Caribbean. Canada is early fall, US starts June 1st, and everything else I'm lost.


How do the Caribbean acceptances work? I just don't want to be forced to make a decision on a Caribbean school before I hear from a Canadian School first, for example.


Help, thanks!

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Thank you very much - that is a very thorough timeline.


I was wondering if anyone else would know about the Caribbean schools in particular (I am not that competitive of an applicant, hence the reason I'm looking abroad).


If I submit my application around October, when should I reasonably expect to hear from them? And, do I only get a certain amount of time to reply with an acception/rejection of the offer? Like you said, there is a possibility to hold the spot with a deposit. I'm assuming that you accept.


I was under the impression that once you accept a school from OMSAS, the other ones are automatically rejected. No idea if this is how it actually works, or if Caribbean schools are like that as well. Some schools say they will let you hear back within a few weeks of the interview, but how long does it take to get to that interview from the time you submit your application?



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