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Rejection letters... Feedback?!?

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Has anyone else been rejected post-interview and gotten their feedback? are we supposed to get another letter later on, or is that it? cuz mine said absolutely nothing other than my interview performance (on a below average, average, and above average scale), my NAQ, and my AQ.


As I recall from last year, aren't we supposed to get a full, detailed review of our apps? Maybe i'm missing something, or maybe it comes separately :confused:

any thoughts??

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Last year you had to book a feedback session appointment with the admissions advisor. I believe the information was available on the website for the dates that they were offering feedback, but I would call and ask if you can't find it. Best of luck!

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I have exactly the same question. In the letter, it says this is all we get, I am not sure if they are offering those feedback session (either one on one, or group) anymore. Does anyone else know more about it? The letter is not very informative, I would like to learn more how I can improve my application for the next cycle.

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Hi there


i received my letter on wednesday and it just informed me of my aq, naq interview performance (above, below or average). They mentioned on the site that they will not be holding individual advising sessions this year...probably too expensive!

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Unfortunately I don't think the group sessions aren't for feedback purposes, they're info sessions for prospective applicants.


From the UBC website:


"Please note the MD Undergraduate Admissions office does not offer feedback advising to applicants. Unsuccessful applicants (ineligible applicants, applicants who are not invited for an interview, applicants who are interviewed, but do not receive an offer and waitlisted applicants who have been removed from the waitlist) receive detailed information on their application, including their academic and non-academic scoring and interview scores (if applicable). Applicants are encouraged to evaluate their individual scores against the posted MED 2012 Admissions Statistics or Interim Stats of the 2007-2008 applicant pool in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses in comparison to the applicant pool and accepted applicants.


The admissions office will not provide any further details or specifics regarding the results of any file evaluation for unsuccessful applicants. "



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I recall from friends that were rejected before the expansion, ie. the 128-size class, that the advisers basically gave generic advice such as "take up an instrument" or "join a sports team". These advices are generally pointless as you have less than 4 months to accomplish this. I cannot imagine how much gain you will receive given how recent you will start these NAQ actions.


However, I think it's sad that they didn't give you your interview comments as was the case in the past. I know people who received them last year and managed to use those comments to improve themselves such that they were accepted right away this year.


Maybe the change has to do with complaints or hassles raised up by applicants last year such that they made this policy change so they don't have to deal with it. Usually that is the case with changes in both the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry - someone made it a problem so ruined it for future applicants.


Unfortunately, this is what you have to work with. At least they gave you an idea of where you are stand among your competition. Try to boost up the areas where you feel you are weakest, ie. interviewing. I know that for one of my med colleagues she wasn't explicit enough on her extra-curricular activities so they couldn't award her as many points as she deserved. I know another whose reference accidentally screwed him over as a comment was shown that there was concern over ref. Finally, I knew one rejected applicant whose interview comments akin to saying he had no life. He's in UT med now.


Perhaps each of you can find a friend who can objectively look at what you provided to UBC Med and give you some feedback, particularly a successful candidate.


Good luck to you all. I know people who have applied over 5 times before getting in so don't be afraid of the long haul.

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