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Student discount for stethoscopes?

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Naturally I'm all excited to get my stethoscope, but I was talking to a student at another school and apparently there is a pretty decent group discount for students purchasing stethoscopes. Does Queen's also offer a group discount if we wait to buy them there? I'm just wondering because I'm looking at a $132 Littmann that will go on sale at 20% off next week and contemplating whether to buy now or wait?

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Early in phase I they will have the travelling salespeople come and everybody will go and buy all the stuff. They do give us student prices, but in my opinion the discounts aren't too impressive.


I've looked up the price list from last year. Here are the prices for the "recommended" items:


Littman cardiology III stethoscope $149

Durashock sphygmomanometer (adult cuff) $146

Diagnostic set (opthalmascope, otoscope) $628.64

Accessory kit (eye chart, 2 tuning forks, tape measure) $10.91

Reflex hammer $3.19 or $9.98


What do you NEED to buy? The stethoscope, reflex hammer, and accessory kit.


The blood pressure cuff and diagnostic set are optional. Many people buy them, many do not. They are certainly not required in the hospitals. The only benefit is for practicing skills at home or perhaps working on the moon. I bought a sphygmomanometer off ebay for less than $10. I did not buy a diagnostic set and never missed it once. Do not fret over this stuff though. It will be discussed in class and you will have plenty of time to decide.



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