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I called them last week and was told that it would be up on the website sometime in early June. I was also told that they are making changes to the program - they are starting to distinguish between undergrad programs and professional programs like med/dent. The man I spoke to said students in professional programs will be eligible for more money, but he wasn't sure how much more because those details were still being negotiated.

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That's great to hear! I'm in Ontario, so I feel a bit out of the loop as far as news on NS student loans go. I heard recently that there will be the option to defer loan payments during residency (while still racking up interest, so I'm not really sure how great an option it is). Any truth to that? A cursory look through the website didn't reveal anything.

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I've been on one of the Nova Scotia gov't's websites looking for loan information for next year but so far I've only been able to read about 2007-2008 academic year information.


It looks like the 2008/2009 application is up now.

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