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Textbooks for sale

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Hi guys,


I just finished med school at DAL, and am selling books. please contact me at adarnbro@dal.ca if you are interested.




1. Heart Disease - Lilly -$20


2. Board review series - Physiology - Costanzo - $15


3. A short guide to writing about biology - Pechenik - $10


4. Examination and board Review -Medicial Immunology and Microbiology

-Levinson/Jawetz - $15


5. Neuroendocrinology - Brown - $15


6. Functional Hisotlogy - Wheater's - $20


7. A short guide/solution manual Genetics - Chase - $15


8. Health Care Ethics in Canada - Baylis et. al -$15


9. First Principles of Gastroenterology - Thomson -$10


10. Biopsychology - Pinel - $30


11. Biology - Campbell et al. -$30


12. Biochemistry - Mathews et. al.-$30


13. Biomedicial Ethics - Mappes -$15


17. Neuroscience - Purves st al. - $30


18. On Call Pediatrics - Saunders - $15


19. Renal Pathophysiology- Rose/Renke - $20


20. Principles of Pulmonary medicine - Weinberger - $20


21. Statistical Methods for psychology - Howell - $15


22. Neuroscience - Exploring the brain - Bear et al $30.


23. Neuropsycholpharmacology - Feldman et al. - $30


24. Psychology - Gray -$30


25. Desk Reference to DSM 4 - ASA - $15


26. Physics - Giancoli - $30


27. Genetics- Russel - $30


28. The developing Human - Moore - $25


29. Essentials of OBS/Gyne -Hacker & Moore, 2nd edition - $20


30. Clinical Anatomy for medical Students - Snell - $10

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