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courses in progress during the year of application

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I'm entering 4th year undergrad this fall and applying to the US in the coming months. I am planning to complete my English requirements in 4th year. So I want to include my 4th year courses in my AMCAS application, but I don't know if I'll get into them until mid-September (U of T course registration is pretty wonky). Should I wait until mid-September when my 4th year course list is finalized before submitting to AMCAS? Because I have heard it's not a good idea to wait.

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Do NOT wait until september to submit.


Just list the course as a future course and even if you register in the winter vs fall it won't matter until you are accepted. Just make sure you actually get the class done before you matriculate.


Getting your AMCAS verified early trumps any chance that a school would care whether or not you got into the exact course you listed.

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OK so how would I do this?


The only requirement I have left to fulfill is English which I'm planning to complete by spring 2009. However I don't know the specific course I'm registering for yet, I'll just choose whatever I can get into by September (registration is delayed for non-English students like me).


So, can I simply include a random English course on my AMCAS application even though it won't be on my transcript that I submit before September?

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I would submit what you have now with the course you intend/are most likely to take. You'll be sending your final transcript to your university (should you get accepted, of course), so it doesn't really matter what you put right now for your 4th year courses. If you end up changing the course thats ok, as long as you get the pre-req course requirement.


Time is a crucial factor in the AMCAS application game. so I wouldn't delay.

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OK so how would I do this?


The only requirement I have left to fulfill is English which I'm planning to complete by spring 2009. However I don't know the specific course I'm registering for yet, I'll just choose whatever I can get into by September (registration is delayed for non-English students like me).


So, can I simply include a random English course on my AMCAS application even though it won't be on my transcript that I submit before September?


Hey there,


I went to UofT as well. I remember you register pretty early - way before August. The course list shows up on your transcript but it just says you're not officially registered or something like that. THAT DOESN'T MATTER! When you're listing your courses on AMCAS, you must list your "future" courses if you're still attending school during the application year. List ALL the courses you will be taking during the year. AMCAS and the med schools will see that you intend on completing the English prepreq during the year. Final transcripts are always required before your matriculate so your acceptance will be conditional upon successful completion of the English requirement.


Hope this helps.

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for queens we have no courses until end of august and in fact i have no idea what i will take ... should i just guess or put any courses that will be pre reqs ie english and leave the rest




Put what you'll most likely take next year. If it changes thats ok, but you can't leave it blank cuz they use it calculate number of credits etc. All youll have to do later on is send your school of choice an update

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i am wondering what to do for courses that may be taken at athabasca during the next year. I have to enter athabasca as an institution and then put the course as future but what about transcripts?


I am not registered for any courses there yet but i will be by september



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