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Veteran's Memorial?

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This is a question for anyone familiar with Halifax and Dal med...


Do you think volunteering as a visitor with veterans at the Veteran's Memorial counts as patient interaction?


I really enjoy doing this volunteer work and will keep doing it, but am just curious about what kind of impact it has on a Dal Med application.


Thanks :)

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I'd say that it depends on what exactly you are doing as a visitor and what other volunteer work you've had the chance to do. I think the emphasis for Dalhousie, like most schools, is that you've been in the hospitals and seen the patients, the health care professionals and the health care system up close. The idea is to make sure that you aren't taking the decision to enter medicine lightly and that you've done what you can to explore the field.

I can't think of any volunteer positions in the Veteran's that don't count as some form of patient interaction... My feeling is that volunteering in a gift shop or shelving books is not regarded as the same level of volunteering as those postitions that put you on the wards and in the rooms with patients. I assume that being a 'visitor' does that for you.

Let's face it, the responsibilities that a hospital is willing to give to a volunteer are limited, and the med school knows that. At the end of the day, they probably just want to see that you've tried to get in there and have shown some dedication and passion for it.

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I don't have any hospital experience at all (just volunteering with disabled kids) and I was accepted. I think it's more how you can relate your experience to your goals and aspirations in the essays and interview. Patient interaction of some sort seems to matter a lot more than the particular context in which you obtain it.

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That's so great. Thanks for the replies. :)


I really enjoy working with the Vets and I spend a lot of 1-1 time with individual residents there. I'm happy that it sounds like I can just add some more hours doing that then adding a whole new thing.


Thanks for the hope guys!


I volunteer there too. I find it really fun but sometimes I think I overstay my welcome (I like to chat with whomever I am helping).

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Yeah, I guess that's the slightly discouraging part....when you spend a lot of time with someone and they don't remember you the next time.


But it's also so rewarding, since you at least know that those few hours of their lives are fun for them and not lonely. :)


I've never been on the 5th floor though. It must be nice to establish a relationship and be able to have conversations that build on the past ones.

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