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Highschooler would like complete profiles of med students.

Guest Dockrh

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Guest Dockrh

I am currently in high school and am very interested in medicine. To those who have applied or have been accepted, I was wondering if you could reply with the following information.


1) undergraduate/graduate degree

2) school you applied from

3) GPA

4) MCAT scores

5) prior medical experience

6) extra curricular activities


That would be a lot of help! Also I was wanting the best advice to being accepted!!:D


Thanks again!:)

Hope to see you in a couple of years!:rollin

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Guest Jochi1543

I wouldn't worry about this now. You still have several years to go. Also, devoting your entire undergrad career to getting into meds can be disastrous - what are you gonna do if you don't get in? (because even "perfect" candidates get rejected).

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