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Course Substitutions

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It seems like a big hassle for non-BC students with all the week-by-week outlines that we are supposed to submit to get course equivalency. Anybody have experience dealing with this? I don't even know how to get a week-by-week from each prereq I took. Major pain in the ass.

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LOL, try attending school out of Canada...I went to a US school for my Bachelor's and I have to submit week-by-week outlines for 32 courses.:rolleyes: I seriously doubt they'd look at it - I wish they'd ask for those only from those selected for an interview, since it's so time-consuming.

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LOL, dude I'm at a US undergrad right now hahaha.


We have to get week-by-weeks for EVERY course we took? Wtf, how did you even get something like this?


I haven't applied yet, but I'm pretty confident it's for EVERY course - that's what they told me back in 2006 when I considered applying there. If the website now says a different thing, please link me, since it'd make my life a lot easier.


I applied to U of A last year, their website also said "week by week," but once I contacted them, they said to send the calendar description of the pre-req courses, and then they'd request a week-by-week outline if they felt they needed one - which they didn't, so it was very simple.


I'm planning on contacting my profs for the exact outlines. Some of them even post them online.

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I must have missed something in the application instructions (and now I'm totally freaking out...), but am I correct in understanding that if you didn't complete your prerequisites at UBC or one of the other BC universities in the table, that they require a week-by-week course description for each course?


If this is the case, do they have to be the course descriptions from the year you actually took the course? I completed my prereqs in 1992-1993 and I have absolutely no idea how to go about getting week-by-week course descriptions for these courses (I don't even think we got week-by-week outlines when I was taking the course - only a broad overview with assignment dates and exams etc.).


If this is required, I'm essentially screwed because there's not enough time to get this from my university since I don't even live in the same province anymore.

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You don't need a require a week-by-week course description for each course if you didn't take your courses at a BC university.


I applied last year from a non-BC university in Canada.

1st year classes (Bio, Chem, English) and even Organic Chem are pretty much equivalent across Canadian universities. (I didn't worry about this part) So, if you did full year courses of the STANDARD intro Bio, intro Chem, intro English, and Organic Chem, I wouldn't worry about it. Just have your 6-credits of each.


The only pre-req I had to give a week-by-week outline for was Biochem because my university only offered a 1/2 year Biochem class. I had the other half of this Biochem class, it was just named "intro to genetics and molecular biology." Use the week-by-week course outline to assess if you've covered the material in YOUR classes at YOUR current university.


Just do what the UBC med website says for other Canadian universities: "If the course is not listed, consult the sample week-by-week course outlines on our Web site."


You can also contact UBC's registrar's office (or your own) and they can tell you if your classes transfer to UBC's pre-reqs.


I hope this helps. Let me know if you need more clarification.

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Thanks Buko!


My question now is do I need to get the week-by-week outlines to provide to UBC to prove that my biochemistry/cell biology courses meet their biochemistry requirement or does UBC let me know if they require this?


(i.e., when you say the only course you 'had to' submit the outlines for was...was this because UBC asked you for it or did you just submit it on your own?)


Sorry if I'm starting to sound paranoid..but I don't want my application tossed out because I didn't send in an outline for a course I took 16 years ago :)

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Hi CinnamonQueen,


When I applied last year I did submit the outlines on my own. However, I do not think admissions even looked at them until I told them that they should. (Mid-application cycle they emailed me telling me I had to take more courses or have my application tossed. I told them that I had good reasons not to...They changed the pre-req equivalents for biochem at my university after I notified them)


In your case, since it has been a while, I would be inclined to email admissions and discuss your situation. Tell them what university you went to, what classes you took, etc. They have a record of equivalent classes for most Canadian universities.


Hope this helps! Good luck!

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  • 5 weeks later...

So we just copy and paste the course description (from undergraduate calander) in the (my mailbox) and send it electronically? (i dont feel like spending another $20 to just send the outline... or can we fax them?)


i have 1 biochem class (1/2 year) but my university doesnt offer another one. However i did take another couse titled cell biology which covers alot of the stuff on the bioch300 outline

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