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how important/how many of you have activities to put down in the rural/aboriginal category of the EC section. I have aboslutely nothing to put down.

I am worried because i also don't really have anything right now for the outdoor experiences section (i am not even sure what they are looking for, fishing, hiking, trekking through mountains, eco-tours - WHAT?). i was gonna put down camping because I do that quite a lot with my friends, but then i felt guilty and took it off since it usually was just an excuse for everyone to get $%@&faced. On a similar note, under the traveling section i put down that i backpacked through south america. part of my travels involved living/hiking for a week through the amazon forest with some native dude who didn't even speak english. would it be pushing the line to list something like this in the outdoor section, even though i already mentioned backpacking in the traveling category?

I have quite a few things listed for the rest of the section, but I am concerned/confused about what exactly they are looking for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the rural/aboriginal section they are just looking for things to put towards our RSS (Rural suitability score) which only the Northern Med people look at - so don't worry too much if you don't have anything/much. As for the outdoor/travelling ppart if you have any extra room then put it in - backpacking, travelling to South America are all good (I think I had camping and I had travelled to a bunch of countries) - one way that I added to them is if I had led a group camping at some point for a group (i.e. I was a camp councilor) - so it added a leadership component to the recreational part of camping - anything you can add that will show you had responsibility. Otherwise just put activities you like to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How does selection for the Northern Med Program work? If one accrues a high rural suitability score but would otherwise not cut it for acceptance, are they given higher placement than other applicants applying for the main campus?


UBC claims that they do not look at your site preferences during evaluation and that matching will only occur after you have been accepted into the MD program. So I guess they only look at your rural suitability score when you have been accepted and if you have selected NMP as one of your preferences.

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