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Duplication of Activities in Application

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Hi all,


I'm trying to complete (...ok, get started) on my UBC application and I have a question about duplication. On the rural experiences page, they ask some specific questions about travel, self-reliance, life-changes, financial independence etc. But then on the non-academic qualities page they also ask questions about travel, self-reliance and experience in rural areas. Do you think we are expected to put the same things down twice (i.e., if I've already entered independent travel in the rural section, do I still need to list all the travel I've done under the travel section on the non-academic page?).


Sorry if this is a silly question, but I don't want to be penalized for not answering all of the questions/including all of the correct information, but I also don't want to waste my precious 5,000 characters on activities I've already discussed elsewhere in the application.




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I repeated things on the rural section that I had in the EC section (ie. traveling etc...) just to make it clear although I did not add the same type of blurb to it that I had in the EC section. I don't really think it matters because the rural section has absolutely nothing to do with getting invited to an interview or whether you get accepted to ubc med. its only used for those who are accepted to determine if they would be appropriate for the Northern medical program at UNBC (prince george) which takes approx. 20 med students/year from those who are accepted to the ubc med program.

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