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Worth Applying as an OOP with a low Pre-Req Average?

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I've read through this forum a fair, and I know it's tough to get info because none of really know how things work, but if anyone has some advice I'd very much appreciate it. I'd be applying as an OOP with an ~3.75 cGPA, ~3.5 pGPA (too much screwing around in 2nd year), 36P MCAT and hopefully a Masters before the end of the year.


The only reason I ask is that I would need to take a statistics course by correspondence to fulfill the stats pre-req, and it's not a financial/time cost I want to have to go through if there is little or no chance of making it to the interview stage. Thanks in advance.

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i am in almost the exact same boat as you (just slightly lower cpga although with a better pre-req average than cpga average 3.72 vs. 3.76). I am planning on applying (though i will be applying in the dark writing my mcat on sept 13) just because you have to consider that they will drop one year of marks as long as its not your most recent year or your only year with a full course load. so invariably your cpga will be higher when they drop the lowest year.

furthermore, they don't have any sort of cut-off policy, your EC's, employment etc... are used pre-interview as well.

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It depends how your EC's are (U of A considers them in determining interview eligibility). That's a solid MCAT but those GPA's really aren't competative for an OOP. If you're serious about U of A, I'd consider upgrading prereqs considering they take the BEST marks.


Without fairly strong EC's, I doubt you'd get an interview.


Edit: Medisforme is right, they will drop your lowest year, but that doesn't help your pGPA which is realistically your problem

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It depends how your EC's are (U of A considers them in determining interview eligibility). That's a solid MCAT but those GPA's really aren't competative for an OOP. If you're serious about U of A, I'd consider upgrading prereqs considering they take the BEST marks.


Without fairly strong EC's, I doubt you'd get an interview.


Edit: Medisforme is right, they will drop your lowest year, but that doesn't help your pGPA which is realistically your problem


It's important to remember that they will only take the new grade if the course is higher-level, so retaking the pre-reqs would involve registering for an upper-level course in the same subject. E.g. I took a 300-level bio course in fall 05 (A-), spring '06 (B+), and fall '07 (A), and the 2 grades they took for my pre-reqs in bio were A- and B+ (not the A and A- your post above would suggest).

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Thanks for the advice, it's appreciated.


I don't know if it's worth upgrading pre-reqs just to have the opportunity to apply to UofA. My problem areas are Organic Chem and Physics. In Organic I've already taken a 300 level organic course which would upgrade one of my two second year grades but I still have a B- that pulls down the pre-req GPA, and I really don't want to have to go back and take a higher level Physics course.


Actually, now that I think of it, I wonder if they'd take my Spectroscopy class as one of the Organic pre-reqs, that would bump my pre-req GPA to 3.59 which isn't great but may be enough that I can try and overcome it with my ECs.

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Here's my 2 cents:


I am OOP and got in this yr (my stats are posted on the accepted thread). I found that people IP had great GPAs and MCATs, which were pretty much at my level, but my Master's really seemed to help. It aided me in my interview and getting extra points. So, your Master's may do the same for you. I, personally, would go through with the course. I had to take English to meet the UofA standards. If you are in it for the long haul, and you're willing to apply more than once, it's worth it to take the course even if you don't get in this year.


Montana Dispensary

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Off hand, has anyone been able to successfully substitute a Chem course for the general Chem requirements? I only have a half a year of general Chem because I took AP in high school, and they only mention inorganic as a substitute on the website, which I haven't taken. I have taken physical chem and analytical chem though. Unfortunately emailing the office hasn't really been helpful at this point.

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