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Question concerning Grad Package?

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Hi guys,



I just had a question concerning the Ottawa Grad package. From what I gather, if you don't make the Undergrad GPA cutoff for your region but you do met the Grad mark cutoff (3.5/UGrad + 85% in Grad courses) your profile will be reviewed to see if your competitive enough for an interview.


My concern is that on OMSAS website, there is no place to input our grad marks at all. How can the Adcomm have a glance at our grad marks then? Or do they just send you a grad package if your undergrad marks don't cut it.


And if they do send you a grad package, when do they usually send it. I remember reading a post on here about them sending it in late January? if so then Grad students must be interviewed last I guess? Thanks for your time.




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sorry no ones replied to this.

basically don't worry about the grad package until they tell you to. they're only concerned with your grad grades if you don't made the undergrad cutoff, in which case, if you qualify (qualifications listed on the website) then they'll ask you to send them a grad package, which just includes a letter from your supervisor (something to keep in mind if you would like to use another person for your reference letter), and the first page of any publications you've had (or books, other publications if applicable - not sure the specifics). main point, is that you send the grad package, not vice versa. they would also already have your grades from your university transcript sent.

gradstudents are interviewed late - i think mine was due for the end of january if i remember right, then interviewed mar 29 - last day of interviews (and last time spot of the day too, which was weird).

anyway, goodluck!

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