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Verbal AAMC


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Meh, I really have focus/study issues, (and by that I mean laziness) so when I was doing practice tests I was never able to give it 100% and I would get distracted and tired easily resulting in like 8s and 9s. But on the actual test you better believe I gave it all I got and went up like 3 points from my average practice mark.


It really is all about active reading and being able to recognize the important details, but its so soo hard to keep that focus going when it doesn't count for marks.

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guys what's a representative resource for the mcat passages in terms of difficulty and question types? i'm utterly disappointed in pursuing more focus on this test and I write in 2 weeks! my VR scores linger around a 5..! :(:mad::(

Most would agree that the "Examkrackers 101 Passages in MCAT Verbal" are the closest to the actual MCAT. I find that they are usually a bit shorter than the AAMC passages however. The question difficulty is very similar nonetheless.

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I used to be like you gamma, my scores lingered around 4-5 for the longest time. I discovered however, after dozens of passages, and with the terrible thought of cancelling my MCAT solely because of the VR section (seriously), the wonders of highlighting.

I don't know what your VR strategy is right now, but for me, highlighting really helped me organize my thoughts in regards to the passage. I don't really use the highlighting as a way to refer back to the passage, but rather I used it more as a guide to comprehension. I fine tuned my highlighting as I began noticing trends in the questions asked.


After a few passages for practice with my new strategy, I did a few AAMC VR sections, and my score jumped significantly.


You can try this strategy if you want!

Good luck Gamma :D

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I kaplan method it up, map every paragraph (even the useless little ones) + wrote the Topic Scope and Purpose in my own words


You can keep on time first of all through practice but make sure you're keeping on a strict 17 minutes per two passages and NEVER leave blanks on a passage then start reading a new one and go back to it imo....I've been scoring consistently 10+ with my highest being 35/40 (12ish), so I have been getting pretty reasonable results my official mcat marks have not been released yet so it's all meaningless in a way.


I would say though, and i'm in no way trying to discourage anyone, hope is an audacious thing, but verbal takes a lot of practice, and change won't happen overnight. My job consisted of reading dense and boring research papers all summer + I starting reading non-fiction regularly, and the economist regularly for about six months before my test.

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I took Princeton and the VR strategy is flawed... at least for myself. Mapping isn't much better.... you get so caught up in these gimmicks I think you miss the main point...


EK has a very sensible verbal strategy that is more or less common sense but definitely what I would recommend to anyone asking

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