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Cancelling MCAT


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Has anyone cancelled writing their MCAT prior to the test date? How did you accomplish this? Does it show up to medical schools that you signed up and intended to write? Will this negatively affect your application? Is there still a 50% refund available? I realize that some questions can be answered in the manual, but I was looking for people who have first hand experience with this.



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You cannot cancel the test approximately two weeks before the scheduled date. You'll know whether you can cancel it by logging into your account. If you see a cancel/reschedule option, then you can cancel and receive 50% of your money back. If you don't see the option, then either don't show up or void the test. Medical schools will NOT be informed if you either fail to show up or void the test.

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In any case you control whether or not your score is released. So for schools that only want your best score (which I am sure refers to all Canadian schools?) , you need only release one- which this one could be. If what I just typed is correct I think you should write it.


I don't think you can control what scores are released. I thought the AAMC switched to a "full-disclosure" policy...

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Does full-disclosure include skipping the test, by not showing up to the prescribed test center on test day, or writing the test, but voiding the scores as well?


If you don't show up or choose to void your score there are no marks recorded for you. It's not like when you fail a class and it shows up on your transcript, it's like you didn't even write it.

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In any case you control whether or not your score is released. So for schools that only want your best score (which I am sure refers to all Canadian schools?) , you need only release one- which this one could be. If what I just typed is correct I think you should write it.


UWO at least looks for most recent. Other schools may vary not sure..

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I signed up and then canceled writing. I canceled it on the website then called AAMC to confirm. I forgot the refund I got, but they did give it to me via a refund on my credit card. As far as I understand if you sign up but don't write, no medical school will ever know, it's only if you void the test on the actual day that they see that.

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from the AAMC MCAT Essentials guide:



If you decide not to sit for the exam after you have registered for it, you will be eligible for a 50

percent refund if you cancel your registration by the posted deadline. The maximum refund for the

regular registration fee is $105; if you received fee assistance from the AAMC, your refund will be

$85. Additional fees paid for late registration or other charges are not refundable.

Please cancel your registration online at https://services.aamc.org/20/mcat.


I couldn't find anything about disclosure and voiding though

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My friends, just so you know, shadesofpurple and I are two distinct people. I had emailed AAMC and received the same information. If you void the exam or fail to show up, it will not show on your record. Voiding will not be treated as though you had never even registered, it will count towards your 1 of 3 MCATs per year.


I just want to clarify this in case anyone wants to consider this thread canon.

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I think the bigger question is why you are in such a panic to get out of writing the MCAT. If you are a science student and have decent study materials like Examkrackers stuff two weeks of full time study should do the trick. I studied for about 6 weeks while working full time. If you take it seriously and write a practice exam every other day and study the stuff you have trouble with you should do fine. FYI using the EK method and having little time to study I scored a 33Q (91st percentile). Just give it a shot, I'm sure you've already put some time, effort and money into writing the MCAT so maybe reconsider whether you honestly have a shot at getting a decent score.

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More official AAMC stuff:


8. Once the examination is launched, you are considered to have tested even if you void or do not complete the test.





2. What if I'm unable to make it to my testing appointment?

You will be able to cancel the scheduled session, and receive a 50 percent refund on your registration fee by canceling your registration through the web registration system up to fourteen (14) days before the exam. If you discover that you cannot attend your test session fewer than 14 days prior to the scheduled exam date, a refund will not be available.


3. Can I still void my test?

Yes. That option is available at the end of the exam, but not after your testing session has been completed.




The AAMC will not report your participation in the test to AMCAS or to non-AMCAS schools if you void your scores.

We will, however, regard you as having attended the test and will therefore count the attempt toward one of the three

permitted each year.


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