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Chat FAQ

Guest peachy

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Guest peachy

Frequently asked questions about chatting on ezboard:


For more information, check out the official ezboard chatting FAQ.


How do I chat?


Click on Join Live Chat at the top left corner of the main page. You can only chat if you are registered and logged in. If a few people are chatting already, then the main page will say how many people are already chatting. If you want to chat, and nobody is there yet, open a chat window and wait a few minutes. Once the main page has updated to say "1 person in chat", chances are that somebody else will stop by pretty soon.


What does it mean to have a '#' in front of your user name?


Often, each person in the chat room will see different people having a '#' in front of their names: it doesn't indicate moderator status and it doesn't indicate who came in first. As far as we can tell, it is random and meaningless.


What can I do about trolls in the chatroom?


If someone is trolling, or generally saying anything that makes you uncomfortable, you can 'ignore' them. Just double-click on their user name (as if you were going to start a private chat with them), and click on 'ignore user'. This will prevent their messages, both in the main screen and in private chats. In addition, if they leave and return to the chatroom, they will still be ignored. You can see who is ignored because their name will appear in parenthesis on the user list. In the chatroom, like anywhere online, it really helps not to feed the trolls. If everybody else in the chat ignores a troll, then they tend to leave pretty quickly.


What can I talk about in the chatroom?


Whatever you would like. Often, people chat about medical school admissions, upcoming interviews, waiting for MCAT results, and so on. Often moderators are around, and people ask about their experiences in medical school or their tips for applying. Often people chat about things that have nothing to do with medical school. So, you can talk about whatever you would like, but, as a courtesy, please try to be respectful of everyone in the chatroom.

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