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Anyone get the Email from GWU?


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well then

i'm glad i didn't send in my secondary for that school yet


makes my life just a little easier and... cheaper!


not likely i'll be going to GWU based on their 'probationary' LCME status


the email for those that are curious:


"Dear Applicant:


We are contacting you on behalf of the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences. We are pleased that you are successfully moving through the application process and we want to keep you informed of a recent development.


The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences completed earlier this month its accreditation process which reviewed the program leading to the MD degree.


As a result of the review, the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) placed the program on probationary status. All School programs remain fully accredited during the probationary period.


The School is already developing an action plan to correct the noted areas that did not meet the LCME's standards including curriculum management, lounge and study space for students, and internal administrative processes. The School has up to 24 months to address these issues and plans to complete its work within the academic year.


The School is committed to academic excellence and to providing a superior education for its medical students. The LCME commended the School for providing students with a strong educational experience and for its instructional expertise and diverse student body. Nevertheless, the School readily accepts the need to rememdy the LCME's concerns and will work promptly and diligently to do so.


The LCME is the nationally recognized accrediting authority for medical education programs leading to the MD degree in U.S. and Canadian medical schools. All medical schools must undergo review every eight years to be accredited by the LCME through the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the American Medical Association (AMA).


If you have any questions regarding this information, please visit the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences at http://www.gwumc.edu/smhs/lcme/; contact the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences Office of Admissions at medadmit@gwu.edu or call (202) 994-3506. We want to ensure that your questions and concerns will be promptly addressed.


To learn more about the LCME, visit: http://www.lcme.org


Contact information for the LCME:


Dan Hunt, MD, MBA

LCME Secretary

Association of American Medical Colleges

2450 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20037

Phone: (202) 828-0596


Barbara Barzansky, PhD

LCME Secretary

Council on Medical Education

American Medical Association

515 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610

Phone: (312) 464-4933"

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CAS, that shouldn't deter you from applying. See SDN. It is actually higher ranked than a lot of schools you applied to so I would still consider it. Regardless, the accreditation is largely due to relatively trivial things that you wouldn't even have noticed (the language used to describe the curriculum, NOT the curriculum itself which has the school scoring alot higher than average and a student lounge which apparently wasn't all that missed given the 3 starbucks locations in the immediate vicinity)

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