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Sneaky GPA Boost Idea

Guest Adampg

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Guest Adampg

I've been reading through some post with people in a similar situation to mine (Low Undergrad GPA) and pretty much the only option seems to be doing a second undergrad degree in terms of marks boosting (exception is UWO with 'special year'). I was thinking about it, and thought what about if you enrolled for a second undergrad degree, completed one year with high GPA and reapplied. You would already have a degree so it wouldn't have to worry about the 3 year min. stipulation. In that way you could count that year towards your GPA average and have a 'special year' that is eligible at all med schools? Once you were accepted you could just drop out of the 2nd undergrad degree, only having paid a one year tuition. What does everyone think?

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