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RFU and SUNY Upstate


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Hey guys, great job cleaning house - so different from back when I applied, lol. It's so friggin active!!


For the people who received interviews at RFU as well as acceptances, do you mind posting your stats? I'm most interested in your ECs profile. Also, if you could give a little mention about what you felt RFU was really looking for in an applicant (and how you met this) that'd be helpful.


Same goes for SUNY - I'm not really sure what this school looks for but it looks like they WL very few, they'll interview you and then it's a rejection or acceptance!


Thanks guys.

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I interviewed at SUNY and got rejected. I'm sure you could see in the official list. :o


I had an AMCAS GPA of 3.97 and an MCAT of 37P. EC's are somewhat lacking.

Granted, I did botch my interview fairly badly. I came down with a bad fever the day before and was doped up on Tylenol during the interview. lol


SUNY has a very nice campus. I would have loved to have gone there. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.


Best of luck!

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GPA: 3.99



ECs: Somewhat decent, one pubs and conference, many summers of research, volunteering (no shadowing though...), some national and international stuff


References: I only have 3 good ones. 2 additional ones I got from profs who barely know me... heh


Hope it helps

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Rejected from SUNY Upstate post-interview as well.

One rumour I've read on the SDN forum is that they've changed this admissions philosophy this year and they're set on admitting more NY residents.

But bobo (as an international student) got accepted this year, so it's not always the case.

As I remember it, they've also rejected a lot of strong applicants pre-interview.

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Rejected from SUNY Upstate post-interview as well.

One rumour I've read on the SDN forum is that they've changed this admissions philosophy this year and they're set on admitting more NY residents.

But bobo (as an international student) got accepted this year, so it's not always the case.

As I remember it, they've also rejected a lot of strong applicants pre-interview.


bobo is a machine.

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I interviewed at SUNY and got rejected. I'm sure you could see in the official list. :o


I had an AMCAS GPA of 3.97 and an MCAT of 37P. EC's are somewhat lacking.

Granted, I did botch my interview fairly badly. I came down with a bad fever the day before and was doped up on Tylenol during the interview. lol


SUNY has a very nice campus. I would have loved to have gone there. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.


Best of luck!


lol, you can dope up on tylenol? o.O

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