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Stress levels and body changes

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  • 8 years later...
Has anyone notice while in medical school that you start getting gray hair or you might start losing hair? Has anyone experienced this?
Lots of people start getting gray hair or losing hair no matter what they are doing, for some people it might just be the age at which they are programmed for male-pattern-baldness or whatever.
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I feel like I have more hair seeing how many people around me are losing hair XD


No offense, but I feel zero stress in school. Well, not stress in the typical undergraduate sense of, 'oh my god I need 99.9% or better or I'm going to fail at life', but 'I need to know my shiz so I don't mess up someone else's life because I slacked off too much during school'.


Now that I think about it, I don't think I stressed out that much in undergrad either. Hmm...maybe it's all that Kool-Aid I drank...

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One of our cardiologists is always hiring new secretaries. Recently, I was proofreading some of my dictations which had been transcribed by a brand new recruit. I noticed that whenever I mentioned CABG, she actually typed it out as: "cabbage" - ie. "The patient went for triple vessel cabbage in February 2007".


She also transcribed "Pedal pulses were palpable" as "penile pulses" and "precordial examination" as "precoital examination". I wonder what was on her mind while she was typing?


Seriously, though... I was counseling a patient on diet and exercise in the clinic today. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about how I ate nothing but chocolate chip cookies yesterday, and gorged myself on drug company pizza at lunch today.

Do as I say, not as I do. ;)

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One of our cardiologists is always hiring new secretaries. Recently, I was proofreading some of my dictations which had been transcribed by a brand new recruit. I noticed that whenever I mentioned CABG, she actually typed it out as: "cabbage" - ie. "The patient went for triple vessel cabbage in February 2007".


She also transcribed "Pedal pulses were palpable" as "penile pulses" and "precordial examination" as "precoital examination". I wonder what was on her mind while she was typing?


Seriously, though... I was counseling a patient on diet and exercise in the clinic today. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about how I ate nothing but chocolate chip cookies yesterday, and gorged myself on drug company pizza at lunch today.


Doesn't that make you feel like a hypocrite? I hate things like this that make you feel like a hypocrite.

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Aranndil - you should tell your parents where to stick it! Tell them the only thing that is stupid about you is that you keep putting up with their emotional abuse. Tell them you'll stop returning their calls unless they refrain from putting you down and stick to it.


Do yoga. I started doing it and holy fukk is it ever relaxing.

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o_o I feel so stressed out right now.... gah... It's not one specific thing... Maybe I'm a hypochondriac...


1) I cannot sleep. I've done two weeks of 3 to 4 hours a night of sleep and still get by fine, but I know it will catch up with me. I supplement with an hour nap once I get home from school. I can concentrate fine. I don't drink coffee, but I have one cup of tea a day.


2) School issues. I'm stressed about this summer research project. I need to submit a research proposal and for some odd reason I'm putting it off and off and off even though I've done TONS of these before and it should not be scary at all! I haven't even responded to any of my supervisor's emails because I just don't want to open it... I also have a block exam coming up, but I have been/am currently studying for it, so I do not feel too stressed about it. It is under control.


3a) Social issues. One of my really good med friends has taken to completely ignoring me. Don't know what's going on there. Asked some of our mutual friends and they are clueless. Still trying to corner her to see what is going on.


3b) Social issues, Part 2. The boy problem. Even though he says that I'm important to him, etc... sometimes i feel that he just talks to me because he is bored and has nothing else better to do. Maybe I am being unfair and harsh to him... I think he likes me. He thinks he doesn't like me, but he's not sure, but anyway, he'll still be my friend. Perhaps it is time to move on to greener pastures.


4) Family issues. My parents call me and ask me random questions about jargon from computing, snooker and engineering and ask me to define/answer questions about concepts specific to areas. After I explain that I do not understand jargon from those areas, I am told that I am "stupid" and they can't belive "I do not understand plain english" and that I'm ungreatful, etc etc and won't help them out because it's okay for THEM to not understand, but it's never okay for ME to not understand because "you are in medical school." Last time I checked, we do not learn about computer "safe modes" or how to "reinstall Windows Vista" ... besides, I'm a Mac user.


5) Food. I am worried that I will try to restrict my food in order to feel in control again... because sometimes I feel like I don't have control of anything.


GAH. MED SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Does your school have any good resources available for when students feel like this? I'm guessing many if not most med students are in such a state at one point or another, but if it were me I think I would try to get councelling or some other such support. I know it's hard to find time for that, but if it can help with the stress & insomnia, it might actually save you time (& be more pleasant than lying awake in bed)! Counceling for stress & anxiety is generally very brief and quite effective. It probably would help you to feel in control again, and maybe more so than restrictive eating!

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