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February DAT

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yeah, i am taking it again

I think there is enough time

I memorized the Kaplan Dental/ Medical text inside out..

However, still did horrible on biology (I got 18)...

I think I am going to use some outside resources

I did pretty well on carving (26)

Really depends on what area you want to improve

For me, a month and half to study bio/chem should be enough


Best Wishes

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My area of weakness is the reading comp. It doesn't seem to want to go up for me.

By the way, does anyone really know how these scores really work? Like I mean, you get tested on 50 questions and somehow that gets transferred to a score out of 30 BUT then how does this score compare to someone who wrote a different DAT (ie February, with different reading comp questions and a different number of DAT writers).


Anyone who really knows please feel free to explain.



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Technically with the DAT it should be scaled like the MCAT with a mean, median & mode score of 8 and 2 scores above and below that being 1 standard deviation. The DAT however the mean, median & mode scores are always higher than what one would consider the middle score of 15 and the scores are always around 18 ish. Buy a copy of Barron's DAT or Kaplan the conversion chart in the back of those seems quite similar to that you see used for the real DAT. My scores on those always transfered to the real exam pretty much the same.

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