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Best way to explain?


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I wouldn't bring it up....


Mind you, you could say something to the effect that you had two subpar performances compared to what you averaged however, you felt writing a 3rd time to fix one section would be more detrimental given that you already had a good overall score. You don't believe however, that 8 reflects your true talent in the area.


If you ever walk by a roulette table that goes red or black 8 times in a row.... the likelihood of that happening was extremely rare, but it happens. So there is always a chance you got "unlucky" with two consecutive sections.

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What is the best way to explain a low (8) verbal score at the interview if asked , even after writing the test twice. Should one bring up the MCAT score (if not asked at the interview)--considering the interviewees do not have access to it.


If it's a closed file interview and the interviewers don't specifically guide the conversation in that direction, I definitely wouldn't bring it up. That's part of the beauty of a closed file interview - you can pretent like you're a 4.0/40T applicant and just focus on your personality and experiences. I'm sure that GPA and MCAT marks will be weighted separately, and there's nothing the interviewers can do to change those scores even if your story is compelling.

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