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R-score Mariano vs Vanier


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Hi everyone,

I'm debating between attending either Marianopolis or Vanier college for the Fall 2009 semester. I've heard that earning a high CRC/R-score (competitive for MedP program at McGill) is easier at a lesser/mediocre competitive college. However, the amount of students accepted into the Med-P program from Marianopolis is a substantial factor. I am a student completing 12th grade in the United States and will be graduating from high school this year. Despite studying in the US, I am a Canadian citizen born in Montreal. Having completed several AP classes (bio, chem, french, Calc, Psych) here, I believe it would be beneficial to take opportunity of the CEGEP route (since I will not be crediting my APs and some classes are repeats of what I have already learned). Still, I have heard of the austerity/rigorousness of the Mariano program compared to Vanier's. Which college would be the best choice to achieve the highest R-score?? How difficult is it to achieve a "35+" R score at Vanier/Mariano?


Thanks so much for ur input! :)

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I attended Marianopolis. Did not get into Mcgill (and wasn't really planning to). Still, you got to consider that McGill gives a lot of privileges to Marianopolis students. Not only a lot of them get in, they even let a couple with 33.7 R-score to get in>!!!! If you are ready to study and work hard for your grades, I do not see why you should go to Vanier. If you do choose Vanier, consider that you are fighting for like 1 out of 3 - 5 places available...which is a lot more competition than in Marianopolis.

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life is a bet. There are advantages and disadvantages from both sides.

However, as sordelka said, if you are determined to study hard...then, I believe there's no point of comparing the two schools, you will receive a high r-score regardless your choice of school.


But I must say that if you go to Vanier, you deal less with competitions (in term of R-score) and you have more chances of having a higher r-score.

If your goal is to have the highest R-score that you can possibly have, the choice is definitely Vanier.



Hope it helps


GOod luck

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Thanks for the quick responses,


Still, you got to consider that McGill gives a lot of privileges to Marianopolis students. Not only a lot of them get in, they even let a couple with 33.7 R-score to get in>!!!!

I thought that McGill doesn't look at the CEGEP you attended but determine ur ability solely on your R-Score, regardless of school. (info from reading previous threads).



If you do choose Vanier, consider that you are fighting for like 1 out of 3 - 5 places available...which is a lot more competition than in Marianopolis.

Right, so technically, there would be a lot more pressure to be the top 1% at Vanier than top 10% at Mariano (which is what is required to get accepted). Only "3-5 places" = the amount of students admitted to McGill Med-P from Vanier each year? That's kinda ridiculous.

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lol top 1% at vanier does NOT equal to top 10% Marianopolis...thats ridiculous

maybe top 3% at marianopolis I would say...

Lol ok, perhaps I exaggerated a little but just to recognize the difference of difficulty


Lol I was not even in top 10% of Marianopolis, but with my average, I would have had a 36 R-Score at Vanier...

What'd u have as an average at Mariano?

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My average was exactly 90...People from other cegeps with such an average would've had something like 35+ R-Score....I had less than 34.


Not necessarily true. Although at marianopolis the class averages are higher, so are the group strengths. At Vanier, the averages are lower, but the group strengths are lower too. This balances out the universe. You don't want to get into a habit of blaming other people for what you think are sub-par marks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I ask if anyone did the math or anything? I find that many people are unfairly discouraging students from going to what I consider to be an exceptionally great cegep, that is Marianopolis. My 100 in Cal I gave me a 39.8 r-score for the course, while my friend's 100 at Dawnson gave her a 37.7. Also, my sister was at Dawson, and it seemed to me that she was getting the same, if not lower r-scores than I was for our similar courses. Anyway, my advice is just go to the open house and choose what is most comfortable for you; while a 90 will give you different r-scores at different schools, you won't be obtaining these grades if you don't feel comfortable/motivated to attend said cegep.



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  • 2 months later...

I went through the exact same problem as you. I decided to attend Marianopolis after tons and tons of research. McGill technically does not look at your choice of CEGEP...they use to. Having said this, Marianopolis and McGill are considered to be sister schools and they continuously collaborate with each other on specific events. Moreover, if you want to work, Marianopolis is the place to go and they have amazing teachers who will always help you. There was a proven study that you can find on any social science journal database such as wilson web or ebsco stating, that should you attend Marianopolis, you will have a 95% chance of receiving a higher r-score than if you attend Vanier, Abbott, or Dawson. This is simply because of the way the r-score is calculated. It goes something like this: (standard Deviation) times (strength of group). The reason why Marianopolis is more strict as to who they accept is because they want to keep the group strength high. Furthermore, the base strength at Marianopolis is a 25, whereas a 20 to 21 at Dawson and Vanier. Meaning, when you attend Marianopolis you already have the advantage of having a higher r-score. As for med school, they accept around 5 to 6 people straight out of Marianopolis, although in 2008 they accepted 7. At Vanier they accept approximately 2 people. I hope this helps! :)

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I highly doubt that those numbers are right.

"In 2005-2007 the total number of entrants into the McGill MedP program from the 5 Montreal Area English colleges was:

Marianopolis: 71 (30% of 240 available places for the 3 years)

All the other English colleges combined: 56 (23% of 240 places)"


Source: http://www.marianopolis.edu/AC/Programs/r-score/graduates.php


If that information is correct then it's ~34 students from marianopolis per year.

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The stats you were looking at are for pre-med and not med school.


Well, it clearly says that "In 2005-2007 the total number of entrants into the McGill MedP program from the 5 Montreal Area English colleges was:

Marianopolis: 71"


and the Med-P Program IS part of Mcgill med school program.

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I can assure you it is not that much. Plus, I was talking about 2008 not 2005. McGill wants students with experience which is why they even except very few people into law. It is also important to note that since 2007, McGill has raised their r-scores for every program except social work.

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It is also important to note that since 2007, McGill has raised their r-scores for every program except social work.


I have nothing against you, but what u r saying DOESN'T make any sense


Here is the admission stats for 2008



Here is the admission stats for 2007



Here is the admission stats for 2006



Look at it by ur self


Ex: CRC for Science B.Cs Micro/Immu was higher in 2006 than 2008

and MANY other examples

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Well, ya your chances are better at Marianopolis if your grades are high.


But the OP should see it like this if you have the same grade (eg:90) at Marianopolis and at Dawson/Abbott/Vanier, you're r-score will most likely be higher at Marianopolis. So if you're going to work ur butt off for your grades then come to Marianopolis.


(I can't remember when the deadline for your confirmation is, so maybe the OP already made his/her choice). Anyways, this thread is going to help future students.


Good luck.

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Guest Fearun9033

Hey everyone,


Since I'm only from Marianopolis and have never been to Vanier, I think it will be unfair for me (or anyone in similar cases) to judge another college. But, I can tell you about experience at Marianopolis.


Yes, it is tough and there are a LOT of very bright students and the average for classes tend to be high.

For some idea:

- Some classes have a lot of people are lots of fun (but don't really work hard) and the average is around 76-80%

- An average, well rounded class has 80-85% class average.

- Some crazy classes that are full of very bright people have averages that can go as high as 88%


Seeing this, your R-Score might suffer if you hover too close to the average. But you already know that R-Score also depends on group strength, which can be a definite help. You will have to work VERY hard on every class if you want an r-score above 35 at Marianopolis but it is definitely achievable (for 36+, it's also a bit of luck or if you are naturally super smart lol).


I loved my experience at Marianopolis, the teachers are extremely knowledgeable and passionate about their subject.


Hope this helps in your decision =)

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